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Deciding to Wear a Hijab After Converting to Islam, Former Wife of Samuel Rizal, Stevie Agnecya: Honestly, I'm Still Trying
Deciding to Wear a Hijab After Converting to Islam, Former Wife of Samuel Rizal, Stevie Agnecya: Honestly, I'm Still Trying Stevie Agnecya, photo: instagram @steviagnecya

Dream - There is something different about Stevie Agnecya's appearance. The former wife of Samuel Rizal was seen wearing a hijab recently.

Although still in the process of learning to cover her aura, Stevie hopes that her decision to wear a hijab will not change.

"Please pray that this new style of mine is not just a trial.. and makes me a better person," Stevie Agnecya expressed in her Instagram post on Monday, September 19, 2022.


This woman, who converted to Islam a few years ago, also thanked the people around her who supported her decision to wear a hijab.

"To all those who support and ask.. honestly, I am still trying to adapt to my new style," she said.

Stevie Agnecya's new appearance received positive comments and prayers for her to remain steadfast in wearing the hijab.

"Masha Allah, sis, you're still beautiful and steadfast," said the account fikaguvita.

"You look even more beautiful with the hijab, may you remain steadfast," wrote the account handayanidini87.

"Masha Allah, you look even more beautiful with the hijab," responded the account aydanuraminudin.

Blunt Reasons for Converting to Islam

Stevie Agnecya had previously been open about her decision to convert to Islam since 2017, long before marrying her husband, Anggi Pratama.

"There was never any coercion, we both respected each other even though we were different at that time. Alhamdulillah, I finally chose to convert to Islam because it was my own heartfelt decision," wrote Stevie in her post.


Although her decision sparked controversy, this mother of three is grateful because her family supports her decision. "There were many insults.. pros and cons, but what's important is that my family accepts my choice," she said.

After five years of being a convert, Stevie feels that her life is more peaceful than before. "The more I go on, the more peaceful and happy I become because of Allah," she said.

Anggi Pratama, Stevie Agnecya's husband, recently posted a photo with his small family. In the photo, they were seen finishing their congregational prayer.

Stevie also looked beautiful wearing a pink prayer gown. "Because praying in congregation is more important than praying alone “ Imam Syafii," wrote Anggi Pratama.

Anggi's post received many comments from netizens. Many netizens were surprised to learn that Stevie had converted to Islam.



"@salsa__nissa08 sister, Stevie has converted, " said the account juwita_kama.

"Sorry... I thought she was Christian because she looks Chinese... is Captain @anggipratamazayn also a convert?" said the account @papah_azra.

Responding to various questions, Anggi stated that his wife had indeed converted to Islam, even before they got married in 2017.

"Alhamdulillah, Stevie has fulfilled her duties as a good Muslim. And Stevie had already converted before we got married," said Anggi.

Showing Off a Driving Video, Stevie Agnecya's Feet Caught Attention

Dream - Stevie Agnecya, the former wife of Samuel Rizal, once shared a video of herself driving a car. In the video uploaded on Instagram, the mother of two appeared in a brown dress.

While driving, Stevie occasionally looked at the camera. Interestingly, Stevie's feet became the center of attention because one of them was not wearing any footwear.

"Keep being you," wrote Stevie Agnecya, quoted on Friday, October 1, 2021.

Stevie Agnecya


Stevie's post immediately received a lot of comments from netizens. Many focused on Stevie's feet while driving.

"Always drive without sandals like you've been doing," wrote the account @patriciagouw.

"Always drive with your feet if you're driving," wrote the account @sofyananda88.

"Are all girls the same, they have to use their feet while driving," wrote the account @anita_ardani.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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