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Formerly a Woman, Now a Pure Man and a Member of the Indonesian National Army, Can You Guess Who?
Formerly a Woman, Now a Pure Man and a Member of the Indonesian National Army, Can You Guess Who? Aprilio Manganang, photo: instagram @manganang92

Dream - This child's fate changed drastically after the Panel of Judges of the Tondano District Court, North Sulawesi, granted the request for a gender change and name change.

Formerly, this child grew up as a girl with hypospadias disorder until the age of 29.

She also used to be one of the women's volleyball athletes and achieved many accomplishments. Until finally, she felt that she was not a woman and applied for a gender change and name change.


She is Aprilia Manganang, now her name has changed to Aprilio Manganang after the Panel of Judges granted the gender change to male.

Meanwhile, in the photo she uploaded to Instagram, Aprilio reminisces about her past through her old photos.


In the photo, she is seen posing with a child. Aprilio is wearing a white and red shirt.

"A brave girl," said Aprilio.

Now, after her gender has changed, Aprilio has become a member of the Indonesian Army. She is also getting married soon.

"Now I have become a tough and brave man," said the account @deztrarastra.

"Still confused why I was thought to be a girl even though it was clear," said the user @etri_setiami12.

Dream - Aprilio Manganang tells the story of her past life, where she had to live as a woman due to a rare disorder she had. This former member of the national women's basketball team had to live 28 years as someone who turned out to be different from her true nature.

The results of the doctor's examination stated that Aprilio Manganang is a man with hypospadias disorder. This disorder made her born as a woman, but her true identity is male.

Aprilio tells how she struggled with her identity. She felt that she did not have a body and cycle like women in general.

"I felt like I was a woman, but I wondered why I couldn't be like normal girls. They have breasts, monthly periods, but I don't," said Aprilio Manganang, quoted from Dream YouTube Deddy Corbuzier, Tuesday, December 7, 2021.

Aprilio Manganang


Aprilio admitted that she suffered when she had to live as a woman. She felt that her former self was not her true identity.

However, this 29-year-old man tried to endure living as a woman because of her parents.

"I suffered, Uncle Ded. What should I do? I tried to live as someone else. But who can I complain to?" she said.

"We cannot control people's lives. But my life is controlled by many. I can't be myself. That's why what made me endure is because of my parents," she added.

Now, after becoming a man, Aprilio admitted that she is very happy and free. This man, who is now a member of the Indonesian Army, can finally experience all the desires she has wanted.

"Free, I want to shout out how happy I am. I'm so happy because that's what I wanted, after wanting to know for 28 years, it's finally answered. Wow, this is what I have to go through for 28 years (as a woman), all the burden is gone," she said.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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