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Portrait of Geng Arisan Puan Maharani with Bestie Artists, Compact like Young People
Portrait of Geng Arisan Puan Maharani with Bestie Artists, Compact like Young People Puan Maharani with arisan gang (Photo: @marinizumarnisreal)

Dream - As a politician and former state official, Puan Maharani certainly has a very wide social circle. Not only in the world of politics and bureaucracy, the Speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly also forms friendships with colleagues in the entertainment industry. 

Behind her busy schedule in the political arena, Princess Megawati Soekarnoputri often gathers with celebrities from all walks of life. Not only actors, actresses, or senior singers, Puan also meets with young celebrities like a celebrity gang when she gathers with her bestie. 

The same goes for Puan Maharani, who has an arisan gang with celebrity friends that has been going on for 20 years. She and her bestie look compact when they gather together.

So, what is Puan Maharani's arisan gang like? Here's the review.


Puan Maharani's arisan gang

Photo: @marinizumarnisrea

Puan Maharani's gang looks compact wearing all-black outfits, although there are two people in white celebrating a birthday. Puan's friendship with them has been going on for 20 years and is still going strong. 

Like a Young Gang

Puan Maharani's gang

Photo: @dps_diahpermatasari

In addition to being compact, Puan Maharani's gang also looks like young people wearing denim outfits. Even though they are no longer young, their outfits still look cool.

Artist Friends

Puan Maharani's gang

Photo: @marinizumarnisreal

Puan's gang also includes artist friends like Marini Zumarnis and Diah Permatasari. They also appear close to the number one person in the DPR building.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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