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So Different! Virgoun's Young Appearance, No Wonder Inara Rusli is Smitten
So Different! Virgoun's Young Appearance, No Wonder Inara Rusli is Smitten Virgoun (Photo: @virgoun_)

Dream - Virgoun and Inara Rusli's marriage is on the rocks. After revealing allegations of Virgoun's infidelity, Inara filed for divorce.

However, their marriage, which has been built since December 14, 2014, seemed solid and harmonious. It's no wonder that many netizens are paying attention to their marriage, including Virgoun's young appearance.

Virgoun's young appearance is very different from now. His current appearance is fuller while he used to look thin and cool. That's why Virgoun succeeded in winning Inara Rusli's heart back then.

In a video uploaded by the TikTok account @khaernpzxo, Virgoun looks cool like a beloved band member.

Virgoun looks stylish in a shirt complete with a tie, paired with a sleeveless sweater and long pants.

Virgoun's past appearance


The complete name Virgoun Putra Tambunan looked cool in his time when performing with the band Last Child. 

A video clip on the TikTok account @khaernpzxof has been widely commented on by netizens. Many praised the appearance of this 36-year-old man. 

"That's why Inara wanted him back then," said the account @yook_can-do_it.

"Turns out he was very handsome back then," said the account @gozihidayat935.

"Handsome in his time," said the account @amorr.

"Maybe this is what made Inara fall in love with Virgoun," said the account @alyamakeup.

Virgoun Suddenly Withdraws Divorce Lawsuit in the First Hearing

Dream - The marital conflict between Virgoun and Inara Rusli brings another surprise. In the first hearing held at the West Jakarta Religious Court on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, Virgoun decided to withdraw the divorce lawsuit. 

This first divorce hearing took place without Virgoun's presence, as he was represented by his lawyer, Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno. Meanwhile, Inara came with her lawyer and relatives.

The withdrawal of the divorce lawsuit filed by Virgoun is not because the Last Child vocalist wants to reconcile. The lawyer withdrew the lawsuit because they had not included the child custody rights when registering the lawsuit.

"Initially, we did not include the child custody issue at our request," said Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno.

Divorce Process Continues

In the course of the proceedings, Wijayono revealed that the Virgoun family finally decided to change the joint child custody to sole custody for their client. "We will request joint custody," he said.

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In the near future, Virgoun plans to refile the divorce lawsuit with a new format that includes the child custody rights.

"In one or two days, we will submit the lawsuit again and we will add the child custody issue in the petition," he said.

`What Can We Do?`

Meanwhile, Inara Rusli's lawyer, Arjana Bagaskara, is disappointed with Virgoun's attitude because he wants to take full custody of the child.

"Under Indonesian law, all child custody rights belong to the mother. Especially if the child is underage," said Arjana.

However, Inara Rusli will still face all of this with an open mind.

"What can we do? Just wait for the next two days for a new lawsuit," said Arjana.

Virgoun Says Inara Rusli is Not Pretty, Once Gave Rp100 Million for a Makeover

Dream - After news of Virgoun's infidelity, Inara Rusli started exposing her husband's faults. In fact, she finally spoke up about Virgoun's reason for cheating. 

Turns out, the main reason is physical appearance. Inara revealed that Virgoun felt that she was visually lacking. That's why he cheated.  

This has been going on for a long time. Virgoun even gave Inara Rp 100 million to change her appearance. 

All of these facts were revealed by Inara when she was a guest on Maia Aleldul TV. 

"He also said, the initial reason was because of my appearance, and so on," said Inara Rusli. 

"He even paid for me to go to the clinic," added Inara. 

This made Inara feel insecure. She even felt like a failure as a wife because she had many flaws. 

Inara decided to reflect on herself after being cheated on by Virgoun. She also admitted that she still has many shortcomings in terms of physical appearance and abilities. 

"I feel insecure, I feel insecure about my busy life as a housewife, maybe I haven't taken care of myself enough, maybe I'm too much of a mom," said Inara Rusli on YouTube's Maia Aleldul Tv. 

First Live TikTok, Inara Rusli Shocked by Gifts from Sultans: 'Is This Not Wrong?'

Dream - Inara Rusli proves her promise to work hard to meet her own needs. In addition to Instagram stories that are starting to be filled with endorsement posts, Inara, who is becoming more active on social media, is also trying out the TikTok platform.

For the first time, Inara tried to do a live broadcast using the short video sharing platform.

The first live streaming created by Inara caught the attention of many TikTokers. There were 68 thousand viewers who watched the live broadcast of this mother of three.

Not only watching, Inara was surprised when many TikTokers threw gifts such as rose drawings, hearts, and even shark emojis that, when cashed in, amounted to millions of rupiah.

Inara Rusli

'Oh my goodness, this is not wrong'

"Oh my goodness, this is not wrong, there are so many gifts. So many gifts, masyallah," Inara exclaimed.

Inara couldn't stop smiling as she saw the sultans who were watching her live TikTok giving gifts that are not ordinary in terms of price.

This post was reposted by the Instagram account @terangmedia, and netizens who saw it also commented.

"Making money is so easy if you're beautiful," said the account fahrurrozi.rozi.

"MashaAllah, may Inara's child be blessed," replied the account maycandr.

"Firoun cried seeing this hahaha....stay healthy, sister Inara...blessings for children come from anywhere...stay strong," wrote the account icam.semprul.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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