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10 Penampakan Misterius di Google Street View yang Bikin Merinding

"10 Mysterious Sightings on Google Street View that Will Give You Goosebumps"

Dream - Google Street View is a feature of Google Maps and Google Earth that provides panoramic street views and specific locations around the world. This feature allows users to explore various locations from a first-person perspective as if they were walking or driving in that place. The way it works is that Google uses special vehicles equipped with 360-degree cameras, lasers, and GPS sensors to capture images from various angles on the streets. In addition to vehicles, they also use backpacks, bicycles, boats, and other tools to reach hard-to-access places.

"Images taken are later processed to be merged into a seamless panorama view. Face blurring and license plate blurring technologies are used to protect individual privacy. After processing, the images are integrated with Google Maps and Google Earth, allowing users to easily access and view them through computers or mobile devices."

Because Google Street View has the ability to capture street views along with their surroundings, sometimes the results can be very mysterious. Check out the following 10 pictures that show mysterious sightings on Google Street View that will give you goosebumps.

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills
10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

At first glance, it may look like an ordinary doll, but in reality, this doll has a very high level of realism and incredible detail.

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

In the picture, someone can be seen huddled behind a garbage bin. I wonder what made them huddle there, are they being chased by a criminal? Ah, who knows!

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

The heartbreaking scene is seen when a wounded cow is struggling to drag its own body to the side of the road. The condition of the cow is pitiful and it desperately needs help.

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

A group of people in Japan can be seen wearing pigeon masks, creating a unique sight and attracting the attention of many people around.

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

A small child, or more precisely a baby, appears to be alone. I wonder, who does this baby belong to?

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Cows lying by the roadside that is still unpaved. The weather seems scorching. What could have caused it to collapse? Was it hit by passing vehicles? Or was it due to thirst and hunger? Who knows!"

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

Unknown what the man is doing while wearing a gas mask, making his actions appear mysterious and arousing curiosity for anyone who sees it.

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

There is an initial impression of a murder incident, but in reality, this is a prank by two pranksters to gain popularity and attract the attention of others.

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

"Although its appearance closely resembles that of a human, it turns out that what is seen is only a mannequin."

10 Mysterious Appearances on Google Street View that Give You Chills

The location is unknown, but what is seen indicates a quite eerie atmosphere.

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