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"3 Important Prayers of Nisfu Syaban that Muslims Should Know, Practiced after Maghrib Prayer"

Dream - Who wants to receive great blessings from Allah SWT? Yes, Nisfu Syaban is coming soon and this is the right moment to be able to obtain those blessings. Nisfu Syaban night is always eagerly awaited by every Muslim to seek as much reward as possible. The way to do this is by performing various recommended deeds. One of them is through prayer. There are 3 prayers of Nisfu Syaban that friends of Dream can practice in that moment.

The following translation preserves the html tags: "The prayer can be practiced by Dream's friends after the Maghrib prayer on the night of Nisfu Syaban."

3 Important Prayers of Nisfu Syaban that Muslims Should Know, Practice after Maghrib Prayer

"Prayer readings are recommended to begin with reading the Yasin letter three times with three different ones. Here are 3 Nisfu Syaban prayers that need to be known by Muslims as summarized by Dream through various sources."

"The Speciality of Praying on the Night of Nisfu Syaban"

The Night of Nisfu Syaban is a very special night in the Islamic religion.

On this evening, Allah SWT forgives His people and determines the fate of His servants for the coming year. The recommended practices on the night of Nisfu Syaban include performing voluntary prayers, reading the Quran, and supplicating. Supplicating on the night of Nisfu Syaban has its own special significance, as Allah will grant the sincere and sincere prayers of His servants. The virtue of this night also provides an opportunity for Muslims to perform voluntary acts of worship and increase their worship, thereby obtaining great rewards and erasing sins that have been committed.

So as to obtain great rewards and erase sins that have been committed. Therefore, taking advantage of the night of Nisfu Syaban by praying and worshiping is a very valuable opportunity for Muslims to draw closer to Allah and obtain His blessings and forgiveness.

The Best Time to Pray on the Night of Nisfu Syaban

"Praying on the night of Nisfu Syaban is highly recommended to be read according to the recommendation of the Prophet Muhammad."

Waktu Terbaik Berdoa di Malam Nisfu Syaban

The best time to read it is on the night of Nisfu Syaban or the middle night of the month of Syaban. The Prophet once stated that Allah SWT sees and forgives all His creatures on that night, except for those who commit polytheism or those who are hostile. The recommended time to recite this prayer is on the night of Nisfu Syaban, between the last half of the night and dawn.

The importance of following this advice is because the night of Nisfu Syaban is a night full of blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT. Reading prayers on this night provides an opportunity to obtain blessings, forgiveness, and mercy from Him. The way to read it is by performing voluntary prayers or tahajud, then reading the prayers taught by the Prophet according to the guidance taught in the religion of Islam.

In addition, it is also recommended to perform good deeds, such as giving alms, remembering God, and praying in order to obtain blessings on the night of Nisfu Syaban. By following the Prophet's advice in reciting prayers at the best time, we can receive blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT.

3 Prayers of Nisfu Syaban that are Practiced after Maghrib Prayer

3 Prayers of Nisfu Syaban that are Practiced after Maghrib Prayer

The following are 3 prayers of Nisfu Syaban that friends of Dream can practice on the night of Nisfu Syaban:

Reading Surah Yasin 3 times.

Reading the letter Yasin three times with different intentions: Reading the first letter Yasin with the intention of long life. Reading the second letter Yasin with the intention of rejecting disaster. Reading the third letter Yasin with the intention of relying only on Allah SWT.

"First Nisfu Syaban Prayer"

"Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun kareemun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni. Allahumma inni as'aluka al-'afwa wal 'aafiyata wal mu'aafaataddi imati fid-dini wad-dunya wal aakhirah." Translation: "O Allah, You are indeed the Most Forgiving, Most Generous. You love to forgive, so forgive me. O Allah, I ask for forgiveness, well-being, and continuous safety in this life and the hereafter."

3 Important Prayers of Nisfu Syaban that Muslims Should Know, Practice after Maghrib Prayer

"Prayer of the Second Half of Syaban"

Allaahumma yaa dzal manni walaa yumannu 'alaika ya dzal jalaali wal ikraam, yaa dzath thouli wal in'aam laa ilaaha illaa anta, zhoharul laajiin, wa jaarol mustajiiriin, wa amaanal khoo-ifiin.Allaahumma in kunta katabtanii 'indaka fii ummil kitaabi syaqiyyan awmahruuman awmathruudan awmuqtarron alayya fir rizqi famhu. Translation: "O Allah, O Bestower of favors, and no one can bestow favors upon You. O Possessor of majesty and honor, O Owner of bounty and grace, there is no god but You, the Revealer of secrets, the Helper of refugees, and the Protector of the fearful. O Allah, if You have written me in Your Book as wretched, disgraced, rejected, or deprived of sustenance, then erase it."

"Allaahumma bifadhlika fii ummil kitaabi syaqoowatii wahirmaanii wathordil walq taaro rizqii wa atsbitnii indaka fii ummil kitaabi sa'iidam marzuuqom muwaffaqal lil khairaat. Fa innaka quita waqoulukal haqqu fii kitaabikal munzali 'alaa nabiyyikal mursali, yamhul laahumaa yasyaa-u wayutsbitu wa'indahuu ummul kitaabi.llaahil bittajallil a'zhomi fii lailatin nishfi min syahri sya'baanal mukarromillatii yufraqu fiihaa kullu amrin haklim wayubromu ishrif 'annii minal balaa-l maa a'lamu wamaa laa a'lamu wa anta allaamu! ghuyuubi birohmatika yaa arhamar raahimiin." Translation: "O Allah, by Your grace, strengthen my knowledge and understanding of the Book, and grant me sustenance from the provisions You have decreed for me. Make me steadfast in seeking goodness and blessings in Your Book. Indeed, You are truthful in Your words revealed in Your Book to Your Prophet, who erases and establishes as He wills, and with Him is the Mother of the Book. O Allah, the Most Glorious, on this blessed night of the esteemed month of Sha'ban, where every matter of wisdom is decreed and every affair is determined, remove from me the trials and tribulations, both known and unknown, for You are the All-Knowing. Conceal me with Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful."

Washollallaahu 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiw wa'alaa aalihil washohbihi wasallam. Meaning: "O Allah, my Lord, O the One who possesses grace and no one bestows grace upon You, O the One who possesses greatness and nobility, O the One who possesses power and bestows blessings, there is no deity worthy of worship except You, a place of refuge for those seeking refuge, a place of protection for those seeking protection, and a place of safety for those who are afraid."

3 Important Prayers of Nisfu Syaban that Muslims Should Know, Practice after Maghrib Prayer

"O Allah, my Lord, if You have decreed for me in the Mother of Books (Lauh Mahfuz) that is with You as a wretched, hindered, expelled or constricted in sustenance, please erase it. O Allah, my Lord, by Your grace, whatever is in the Mother of Books regarding me as a wretched, hindered, expelled, and constricted in sustenance. And please decree in the Mother of Books that is with You so that I may become a happy person."

"Receive abundant sustenance and achieve success in all goodness, for indeed You have spoken in Your book, and Your words are true, revealed through the tongue of the Prophet You have sent. Allah erases what He wills and establishes, and with Him is the Mother of the Book. O my Lord, by the manifestation of Your Great Mercy on this noble mid-Sha'ban night, all decreed matters are detailed with full wisdom."

"Please, may You protect me from all the disasters that I know and that I do not know, and that You know better (than me), and You are All-Knowing of all the unseen, by Your mercy, O most merciful among the merciful. And may Allah bestow His mercy upon our leader, Prophet Muhammad, and his family and companions, may He send peace and blessings upon them."

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