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The entertainment industry is an important element in life, with famous figures as cultural icons. Sometimes, they suddenly disappear, triggering curiosity. The stories of deceased artists often inspire. Those who were once famous in music, film, or television are now unseen figures. Nevertheless, some leave a lasting mark in the entertainment industry and society. Famous artists, life is not always glorious. Behind success, there are pressures that are difficult to understand. Some avoid the spotlight, while others face serious problems or tragic events. So, who are some of these artists? Check out the following review.

1. Clerence Chyntia Audry

1. Clerence Chyntia Audry

Clerence Chyntia Audry, often appears on Indosiar's FTV, was born in Bekasi on June 18, 1994. She is the wife of NOAH's drummer, Rio Alief. She passed away on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, due to cancer. Before her passing, Clerence Chyntia Audry wanted to perform the Umrah pilgrimage to the holy land with Rio Alief.

2. Eeng Saptahadi

2. Eeng Saptahadi

"Muhammad Jueri Saptahadi, or Eeng Saptahadi, an actor born in Indramayu, (15/2/1958), has passed away on Sunday, (21/5/2023) due to Covid-19 and other illnesses. Despite being calm, Eeng Saptahadi had health issues such as heart disorders, diabetes, and high blood pressure."

3. Purwaniatun

3. Purwaniatun

Mba Pur, real name Purwaniatun, is known as an Indonesian actress who often plays the role of a domestic helper in various films and soap operas. She passed away on Monday, (23/3/2020) at the age of 67 after undergoing a uterine cancer operation.

4. Ki Joko Bodo

4. Ki Joko Bodo

"Ki Joko Bodo, real name Agus Yulianto, passed away at the age of 57 on Tuesday, (22/11/2022) after undergoing a spiritual journey. He is known as a famous paranormal with supernatural abilities, but eventually chose to retire from the paranormal world and draw closer to God. Ki Joko Bodo died due to uric acid and high blood pressure."

5. Omaswati

5. Omaswati

Omas, who is actually named Hj. Omaswati, is a famous comedian, actor, and clown in Indonesia. Born in Jakarta on 3/5/1966, Omas reportedly passed away on Thursday, 16/7/2020. According to various sources, the cause of his death was lung disease and diabetes.

Old Photo of Megawati Soekarnoputri Participating in UI Orientation, There is a Figure Who 'Never Ages'

Old Photo of Megawati Soekarnoputri Participating in UI Orientation, There is a Figure Who 'Never Ages'

It turns out that the figure used to claim to have beautiful memories with the Chairperson of the PDI Struggle.

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Viral Tren Uang Harian Rp 10 Ribu di Tangan Istri yang Tepat, Netizen Auto Curhat Bikin Ngakak

Viral Tren Uang Harian Rp 10 Ribu di Tangan Istri yang Tepat, Netizen Auto Curhat Bikin Ngakak

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Israel Berencana Pindahkan 2,3 Juta Penduduk Palestina ke Mesir

Israel Berencana Pindahkan 2,3 Juta Penduduk Palestina ke Mesir

Israel mengakui sedang menyusan proposal untuk pindahkan warga Palestina

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Fakta Baru Sidang Etik Hakim MK, Ada Dugaan Anwar Usman Bohong hingga Bukti CCTV Kejanggalan Pendaftaran Gugatan Usia Capres

Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Anwar Usman diduga berbohong mengenai alasannya absen ketika memutus tiga perkara syarat usia minimal capres-cawapres.

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Sejarah Kemunculan Bani Israil: Berawal dari Nabi Yakub hingga Pindahnya ke Mesir

Sejarah Kemunculan Bani Israil: Berawal dari Nabi Yakub hingga Pindahnya ke Mesir

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Ngeri banget, bapak ini pelihara 54 ular kobra di rumahnya.

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Couple's Moment Turns Calm Seeing Giant Python Crawling on Windshield While Driving, Wife Says 'Cute'

Thrilling moment when a giant python emerges from the car hood and crawls onto the windshield.

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Viral! Grandma Becomes a Wedding Photographer at a Reception, Her Photos Amaze Beginners

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Pilu Momen Anak-Anak Gaza Riang Bermain di Kuburan Massal: 'Kami Akan Terkubur di dalamnya'

Pilu Momen Anak-Anak Gaza Riang Bermain di Kuburan Massal: 'Kami Akan Terkubur di dalamnya'

Raut wajah bahagia anak-anak Gaza bermain di kuburan ini bikin pilu.

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Failed to Move On After the First Meeting, 92-Year-Old Bachelor Marries Woman He Met 64 Years Ago

Failed to Move On After the First Meeting, 92-Year-Old Bachelor Marries Woman He Met 64 Years Ago

At his old age, Joe, who is still a bachelor, got married for the first time. He married Mary Elkind, a woman he had met 64 years ago.

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Mengenal Siti Masyithoh yang Makamnya Harum Mewangi, Satu Keluarga Dibunuh Firaun dengan Keji

Mengenal Siti Masyithoh yang Makamnya Harum Mewangi, Satu Keluarga Dibunuh Firaun dengan Keji

Siti Masyithoh merupakan seorang pelayan yang hidup pada zaman Raja Firaun. Ia bertugas mengurus anak-anak Firaun.

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Part 2 Gibran Dicium Bapak-Bapak Berkumis, Netizen: Emang Semenggemaskan Itu Ya?

Terjadi lagi, pipi Gibran jadi sasaran bapak-bapak berkumis.

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Often Feel Unsettled? Practice This Dhikr, God willing, the Heart Becomes Calm and Safe from the Punishment of the World and the Hereafter

Often Feel Unsettled? Practice This Dhikr, God willing, the Heart Becomes Calm and Safe from the Punishment of the World and the Hereafter

Dhikr not only reminds Allah SWT, but also becomes an effective remedy.

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Energy Transition, AstraZeneca Uses 500 Electric Vehicles by 2024

Energy Transition, AstraZeneca Uses 500 Electric Vehicles by 2024

One of the strategies towards Indonesia's zero emissions by 2060 is the use of electric vehicles.

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Practice of Prayer and Remembrance to Prevent Eye Disease, Recognize the Causes and Characteristics

Practice of Prayer and Remembrance to Prevent Eye Disease, Recognize the Causes and Characteristics

If eye disease persists for a long period of time, it can potentially lead to death.

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Palestinian Woman Makes Touching Statement on Why She Always Wears a Hijab

Palestinian Woman Makes Touching Statement on Why She Always Wears a Hijab

This situation seems to have prepared a woman and perhaps other women in Palestine to face the worst situation.

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Cerita tentang 10 Nabi yang Menghuni Palestina, Tanah yang Diberkahi oleh Tuhan

Cerita tentang 10 Nabi yang Menghuni Palestina, Tanah yang Diberkahi oleh Tuhan

Dalam perjalanan sejarah, hanya Palestina yang menjadi tempat tinggal para nabi dan rasul Allah SWT.

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