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History of the Emergence of the Israelites: Starting from Prophet Jacob until their Migration to Egypt

History of the Emergence of the Israelites: Starting from Prophet Jacob until their Migration to Egypt

Sejarah Kemunculan Bani Israil: Berawal dari Nabi Yakub hingga Pindahnya ke Mesir

Dream - If we talk about the Bani Israil, then it cannot be separated from the story of Prophet Yakub as. As is known, for a long time the Israeli people have always been in the spotlight due to the never-ending conflict with Palestine.

Sejarah Kemunculan Bani Israil: Berawal dari Nabi Yakub hingga Pindahnya ke Mesir

This also automatically encourages the curiosity of most people about the origins of the nation of Israel. Moreover, Israel is also mentioned as the chosen nation of God. So, what makes that nation the chosen one? Well, regarding the history of the emergence of the Children of Israel, then Dream's friends need to know the story of Prophet Jacob, who is the son of Prophet Isaac. To find out more clearly about the history of the emergence of the Children of Israel, which begins with Prophet Jacob, here is a summary as compiled by Dream through various sources.

Nabi Yakub Dikenal dengan Nama Israel

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags is: "Prophet Yakub is known by the name Israel."

It all started with Prophet Isaac (as) who married a woman named Rebekah. After decades of marriage and not being blessed with children, finally Allah SWT blessed them with twin sons named Esau and Jacob.

Nah, Yakub is also known as Israel. He is one of the righteous sons of Prophet Ishak, and he continued his father's legacy as a prophet. The nickname 'Israel' was given because when he was young, Prophet Yakub often traveled at night, which became his spiritual experience. The name Israel itself comes from Hebrew, which is Yisra'el (ישראל) and means 'one who walks with God' or 'one who struggles with God'. That is why the name Israel for Prophet Yakub is a symbol of his spiritual journey that night.

Keluarga Nabi Yakub Pindah ke Mesir
The Family of Prophet Jacob Moves to Egypt

It is known that Prophet Jacob had 12 children, among them are Joseph and Benjamin from his wife named Rachel. In the story of Prophet Joseph, it is told that he was an extraordinary child, which made his brothers jealous.

<blockquote>Keluarga Nabi Yakub Pindah ke Mesir</blockquote>

The Family of Prophet Jacob Moves to Egypt

Out of jealousy, Yusuf's brothers sold him as a slave. Eventually, Yusuf was found by a merchant and taken to Egypt. In that country, Prophet Yusuf was appointed as the treasurer of the kingdom because he was an intelligent person. This is what made his family come to Egypt to seek food as they were experiencing a famine in Palestine. Well, it is the family of Prophet Yakub who moved to Egypt that is later called 'Bani Israil' or 'the descendants of Israel'.

"Nabi Yakub is mentioned 18 times in the Al-Quran"

During his stay in Egypt, Prophet Jacob passed away. Although his body was preserved in that place at that time, eventually he was buried in Palestine according to his request.

The Prophet Jacob was buried in the Cave of al-Makfilah, in the city of Hebron (al-Khalil). Well, the will of Prophet Jacob is mentioned in the Quran. In fact, his name is mentioned 18 times in the verses of the Quran. QS. Al-Baqarah verse 132 QS. Al-Baqarah verse 133 QS. Al-Baqarah verse 136 QS. Al-Baqarah verse 140 QS. Ali Imran verse 84 QS. An-Nisa verse 163 QS. Al-An'am verse 84 QS. Hud verse 71 QS. Yusuf verse 6 QS. Yusuf verse 38 QS. Yusuf verse 66 QS. Yusuf verse 67 QS. Yusuf verse 68 QS. Maryam verse 6 QS. Maryam verse 49 QS. Al-Anbiya verse 72 QS. Al-Ankabut verse 27 QS. Sad: verse 45.

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