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"5 Prayers to Facilitate Memorizing the Quran and Always Remain in Memory "

5 Doa Agar Dimudahkan Menghafal Al-Quran dan Selalu Tersimpan dalam Ingatan

Dream – Memorizing the Quran is one of the acts of worship in Islam that holds great virtues. It is mentioned that the body of a Quran memorizer will not be destroyed by the earth. This indicates that memorizing the Quran is a practice that leads a person to happiness in both this world and the hereafter.

However, memorizing the Quran is not an easy matter. It requires strong mental and memory so that every holy verse of the Quran remains preserved until old age. Many people have memorized the Quran since childhood but forget it when they grow up and become elderly. The main cause is that most of them never repeat their memorization, whether in prayer or reading it independently.

5 Doa Agar Dimudahkan Menghafal Al-Quran dan Selalu Tersimpan dalam Ingatan
5 Doa Agar Dimudahkan Menghafal Al-Quran dan Selalu Tersimpan dalam Ingatan

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is an expression that says that preserving the memorization of the Quran is more difficult than memorizing it. As Muslims, there are many practices and ways to make it easier to memorize the Quran and to preserve that memorization so that it does not disappear.

Besides routinely recalling the memorization of this holy verse, prayers to ease the memorization of the Quran should also always be practiced, not only for hafiz or hafizah. Memorizing the Quran also requires guidance and the grace of Allah SWT. To obtain this grace, it is advisable for a Quran memorizer to increase prayers and seek His help. Here are prayers to ease the memorization of the Quran that are important to be practiced by hafiz and hafizah!

1. Prayer for Ease in Memorizing the Quran:
Allahumma inni as aluka fahman nabiyyin, wa hifdzol mursalin, wa ilhamal malaikatil muqorrobin.

Translation: "It means: 'O Allah, truly I ask of You the understanding of the Prophets, the remembrance of the Messengers, and the inspiration of the angels who have a special position.'"


2. Prayer to Avoid Sins that Disturb Memorization

"Ya Allah, give me mercy to leave sins as long as You keep me alive, and give me mercy so that I do not burden myself with something that is not beneficial for me, give me sustenance in the form of the pleasure of seeing something that brings Your pleasure to me."


3. Prayer for Focus During Memorization:
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Oh Allah, I ask You for a contented soul that believes in meeting You, and is satisfied with Your decree, and is certain of Your giving."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: Meaning: "O Allah, I ask of You a soul that finds tranquility in You, that believes in meeting You, that is content with Your decree, and that is satisfied with Your provisions." (HR. Thabrani)


4. Prayer for the Preservation of Memorization of the Quran

"Allah! Illuminate my eyes with the book (Quran), expand my heart with it, practice with it with my body, explain with it with my tongue, strengthen with it my heart, hasten with it my understanding, strengthen with it my determination with Your power and strength. Indeed, there is no power and strength except with You, O Most Merciful."

5. Prayer for Ease in Memorizing and Remembering the Quran.

"Allahumma zidnaa walaa tan-qushnaa wa akrimnaa walaa tuhinna wa a'thinaa walaa tahrimnaa wa atsirnaa walaa tu'tsir 'lainaa waardhinaa wardho 'annaa" means "O Allah, increase us and do not decrease us, honor us and do not humiliate us, grant us and do not withhold from us, choose us and do not abandon us, be pleased with us and be pleased with all our efforts." Note: The provided text is in Arabic, not Bahasa (Indonesian or Malay).

5 Doa Agar Dimudahkan Menghafal Al-Quran dan Selalu Tersimpan dalam Ingatan

That is a collection of prayers to facilitate memorization of the Quran. Hopefully, with these prayers, Allah will make it easier for Muslims who are in the process of memorizing the Quran. For those who have already memorized it, may they be given strength to continue maintaining their memorization so that it does not fade away.

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