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Kemenag: 73 Percent of Divorce Lawsuits Filed by Economically Stable Women

Kemenag: 73 Percent of Divorce Lawsuits Filed by Economically Stable Women

Kemenag: 73 Persen Gugatan Cerai Diajukan Wanita Mapan Secara Ekonomi

Dream - Divorce has become one of the serious problems in families in Indonesia. According to the Head of the Subdirectorate for Building Sakinah Families at the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), Agus Suryo Suripto, one in four families in Indonesia ends in divorce.


“Divorce in Indonesia is 24.8 percent, very frightening. One out of four families in Indonesia ends up in the Religious Court.”

"Agus said, as quoted from, Friday, October 20, 2023."


Agus also conveyed that the majority of the plaintiffs are from the female side. And the women who file for divorce are mostly financially stable.

Kemenag: 73 Persen Gugatan Cerai Diajukan Wanita Mapan Secara Ekonomi

"And what's even more saddening, 93 percent (of divorce lawsuits) were filed by women. Out of the 93 percent of women who filed for divorce, 73 percent are economically independent women."
clear Agus.


"Causes of Divorce"

Agus explained that divorce occurs due to various causes. And the five main causes of divorce are disharmony, economics, interference from others, morality, and other factors.

"Pertengkaran" in English means "Argument".

The first cause is disharmony that can be related to the other four causes. Disharmony refers to conflicts within the household. "Disharmony, if I may say, is a polite term for domestic disputes," he said.


"Causes of Quarrel"

This argument can occur due to various reasons such as economic factors, third-party interference, moral issues such as gambling or intoxication habits, and other factors. "A quarrel occurred which ended up in the Religious Court," said Agus.

Pernikahan Anak

"Child Marriage"

Apart from divorce, the family issue currently faced by Indonesia is child marriage. Agus explained that Indonesia is the second country in Southeast Asia with the highest rate of child marriages.

"And from my experience as the head of KUA for 13 years, 99 percent of child marriages occur due to unwanted pregnancies (KTD).""
he said.


"Improve Stunting"

Marriage of children results in the third family problem in Indonesia, namely stunting. "The third family problem is the effect of child marriage. What is it? Stunting. Now we are facing a serious problem because according to Presidential Regulation No. 72 of 2021, we should be at 14 percent. Currently, it is still at 21 percent." Stunting is a condition where a child's growth is disrupted due to long-term nutritional deficiencies. Short stature is one indication of a child with stunting condition.

Kemenag: 73 Persen Gugatan Cerai Diajukan Wanita Mapan Secara Ekonomi

Until now, there are still many toddlers in Indonesia who experience stunting. This condition can be caused by various aspects, ranging from education to economy. Stunting is very important to be prevented. This is because the effects of stunting are difficult to fix and can harm the future of children.


"Cognitive Development"

Apart from being marked by short or dwarfed body, stunting is also characterized by disrupted brain development or cognitive abilities in children.

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