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5 Keutamaan I'tikaf di Bulan Ramadan dan Hal Apa Saja yang Harus Dilakukan

5 Virtues of I'tikaf in the Month of Ramadan and What Should be Done

"Through i'tikaf, one can bring many benefits to oneself, both in this world and in the hereafter."

Dream - Ramadan has reached its final days. Muslims are starting to prepare themselves to perform a highly recommended act during the last ten nights, which is i'tikaf. I'tikaf itself means staying in the mosque. Dream friends can choose any mosque to perform this virtuous act. During i'tikaf in the mosque, Muslims are encouraged to perform optional acts of worship, such as prayer, remembrance of Allah, reading the Quran, and so on. Through these acts of worship, God willing, it will bring many blessings for oneself, both in this world and in the hereafter.

Well, here are some virtues of i'tikaf in the month of Ramadan as summarized by Dream through various sources.

5 Virtues of I'tikaf in the Month of Ramadan and What Must Be Done
Things to Do During I'tikaf

Things to Do During I'tikaf

For Dream friends who want to perform i'tikaf in the mosque, they should first know what to do.

Quoted from, as explained in the book Nihayatuz Zain by Sheikh Nawawi Al-Bantani, there are 4 pillars in i'tikaf as follows: Intention Staying in the mosque for at least the duration of tumaninah prayer Mosque The person who performs i'tikaf. Sheikh Nawawi stated that it is not valid for someone who performs i'tikaf in the mosque if they do not fulfill the following requirements: Islam Sane Free from major impurity.

"Various Types of I'tikaf and Their Intentions"

The following are several types of i'tikaf and their important intentions that need to be known by Dream friends:

Macam-Macam I'tikaf dan Niatnya

"Intention for Absolute I'tikaf"

: نَوَيْتُ أَنْ أَعْتَكِفَ فِي هَذَا الْمَسْجِدِ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى Artinya: "Aku berniat i'tikaf di masjid ini karena Allah."


Intention of I'tikaf which is Time-bound, such as for One Month

\u0646\u064e\u0648\u064e\u064a\u0652\u062a\u064f \u0623\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0623\u064e\u0639\u0652\u062a\u064e\u0643\u0650\u0641\u064e \u0641\u0650\u064a \u0647\u064e\u0630\u064e\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064e\u0633\u0652\u062c\u0650\u062f\u0650 \u064a\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0645\u064b\u0627\/\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0644\u064b\u0627 \u0643\u064e\u0627\u0645\u0650\u0644\u064b\u0627\/\u0634\u064e\u0647\u0652\u0631\u064b\u0627 \u0644\u0650\u0644\u0647\u0650 \u062a\u064e\u0639\u064e\u0627\u0644\u064e\u0649Artinya: \u201cI intend to perform i\u2019tikaf in this mosque for one day\/one night\/one month for the sake of Allah.\u201d


"Intention of I'tikaf that is Recommended"

I intend to perform i'tikaf in this mosque as an obligation to Allah. Meaning: "I intend to perform i'tikaf in this mosque as an obligation to Allah." I intend to perform i'tikaf in this mosque for a month consecutively as an obligation to Allah. Meaning: "I intend to perform i'tikaf in this mosque for a month consecutively as an obligation to Allah."

Keutamaan I'tikaf di Bulan Ramadan

"The Merits of I'tikaf in the Month of Ramadan"

Here are some virtues of i'tikaf in the month of Ramadan that friends of Dream can obtain:

1. Guarded from Sinfulness

Performing i'tikaf in the month of Ramadan can keep Dream friends awake from wrongdoing. This is because when someone focuses on worshiping in the mosque, they will be protected from acts forbidden by Allah SWT. The more one worships during i'tikaf, the closer they are to Allah SWT, and automatically their faith becomes stronger.

2. Kept away from Hellfire

People who perform i'tikaf in the month of Ramadan can be saved from the Hellfire. This is because i'tikaf can help a person accumulate rewards as it brings them closer to Allah SWT. In fact, Allah SWT has promised that whoever performs i'tikaf sincerely will be saved from the Hellfire.

3. Self-Introspection

"Performing 'Beri'tikaf' or staying in the mosque can be a moment for self-reflection. This is so that we can make improvements and become a better person. Especially during 'Beri'tikaf', a person is in a focused and calm state. Therefore, the process of self-reflection can be done maximally."

4. Getting Rewards

During performing i'tikaf in the mosque, Dream's friends can earn rewards while waiting for the obligatory prayer time. Not to mention if they also participate in congregational prayers at the mosque. Well, while waiting for the obligatory prayer, make use of the time to engage in remembrance of Allah, which can also bring rewards.

5. Perfecting the Fasting Worship

During performing i'tikaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan, of course, my Dream friends are still observing fasting. Well, through this i'tikaf, you can perfect your fasting for one month. Because in this moment, you can focus more on getting closer to Allah SWT and refraining from doing actions that are prohibited by Allah SWT.

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