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5,700 Years Ago, Ancient Humans Were Able to Lift Giant Stones in This Way

5,700 Years Ago, Ancient Humans Were Able to Lift Giant Stones in This Way

"5,700 Years Ago, Ancient Humans Were Able to Lift Giant Stones Like This"

The latest study explores the origin of the large stones that form the burial site of Menga in southern Spain, revealing that the place is one of the greatest achievements in Late Neolithic techniques.


Research published in Scientific Reports

The researchers team uses new technology to further explore the stones used in the construction of this ancient burial site and investigate the use of wood and rope in its structure.

The website is located near Antequera in Malaga, Andalusia, Spain. Menga is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site consisting of three dolmens (large megalithic stone structures), built between 3800 and 3600 BC.

5.700 Tahun Lalu, Manusia Kuno Mampu Angkat Batu Raksasa dengan Cara Ini
5.700 Tahun Lalu, Manusia Kuno Mampu Angkat Batu Raksasa dengan Cara Ini

"Menga, one of the largest megalithic monuments in Europe, was built on top of a hill with large stones, including orthostats weighing almost 150 tons."

"Mystery for researchers"

As time goes by, researchers are always challenged by the mystery of how our ancestors, who were only equipped with primitive tools, managed to process and move such large and heavy building blocks. This recent research was conducted to uncover the answer.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The type of rocks mentioned".

This research enables researchers to identify mines where the stones are obtained for use in construction. By applying petrographic and stratigraphic analysis techniques, the researchers found that the majority of the stones are calcarenites, which are "detrital sedimentary rocks with little binding, similar to what is known as 'soft rock' in modern civil engineering."

With petrological analysis, researchers can identify five different rock variations, including calcirudites, calcarenites, and limestone breccia, which correspond to sediment facies at Cerro de la Cruz.
The following translation is provided while preserving any HTML tags: "The rocks are obtained from a mine located approximately one kilometer from the construction site."

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The researchers mentioned in their writing that in order to move and construct such heavy dolmens with stones, careful planning and engineering work are necessary.

5.700 Tahun Lalu, Manusia Kuno Mampu Angkat Batu Raksasa dengan Cara Ini

This is especially true for the capstone or keystone, a large stone placed on top of the dolmen chamber as its roof. Weighing around 150 tons, scientists state that lifting and placing this stone requires strong scaffolding and cables. To transport a block this size without damaging it, a very smooth road is needed, a challenge that was difficult to imagine 5,700 years ago.

5.700 Tahun Lalu, Manusia Kuno Mampu Angkat Batu Raksasa dengan Cara Ini

The researchers team also revealed that this dolmen is intentionally directed towards a certain direction, possibly as a guide towards the desired destination.

Specifically, its orientation faces towards the nearest mountains, producing complex patterns of light inside the room. Furthermore, current scientists conclude that ancient engineers developed methods to install small stones along the edges of the room. These stones likely functioned as protection for the dolmen from water and prevented erosion from occurring.

Give further understanding of the development of Menga website.

Not only recognizing the origin of the stone from Cerro de la Cruz and tracking the logistical details of its transportation, this research also provides a deep understanding of extensive planning, labor coordination, technical skills, and calculations in the construction of Menga.

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