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6 Things to Do When Facing a Dying Person, Guide Them with the Sentence of Tauhid!

6 Things to Do When Facing a Dying Person, Guide Them with the Sentence of Tauhid!

Dream - Sakaratul maut is a condition experienced by humans when facing the door of death. Every living creature will face sakaratul maut because every soul that breathes will surely die. "Every soul will taste death. Then unto Us you will be returned." Quran Surah Al-Ankabut verse 57.

The meaning of "Sakaratul Maut"

In At-Tadzkirah, Imam Al-Qurthubi stated that sakaratul maut (the pangs of death) is the hardship leading up to death, gradually losing control over one's body parts. Meanwhile, according to Al-Ghazali, sakaratul maut is interpreted as a pain that attacks the core of the soul and spreads throughout the entire being.


A person who is experiencing the agony of death will feel an extraordinary pain. That is when the temptation of the devil approaches, inviting towards evil. That is why we need to accompany those who are facing the agony of death by guiding them to recite the words of Allah.

6 Things to Do When Facing Someone in the Throes of Death, Guide them to Recite the Declaration of Faith!
Hal-Hal yang Dilakukan ketika Hadapi Orang Sakaratul Maut

"Things to Do When Facing a Dying Person"

"There are still other things that need to be done when facing someone who is dying. Check out the following!"


1. Guide to the Sentence of Tauhid

When seeing someone in the throes of death, guide them to recite the testimony of faith. From Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Guide the person who is experiencing the agony of death to utter the phrase 'There is no god but Allah.'" (Narrated by Muslim)

From Muadz bin Jabal RA, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Whoever ends his speech with the phrase 'There is no God but Allah', then he will enter paradise."

(Narrated by Abu Daud)


2. Facing his face towards the Qibla.

In a narration by Asy-Syafi'i, it is explained that a person who is in the throes of death should be laid down on their back with their feet pointing towards the qibla, while their head is slightly raised so that their face is facing the qibla.

3. Reading the Yasin Letter

Reading the letter of Yasin is another thing that can be done when facing someone who is in the throes of death. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "And read the letter of Yasin to the person who has passed away among your family." (HR. Ahmad, Abu Daud, Nasai, Hakim, and Ibnu Hibban)


4. Close Your Eyes

A history, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visited Abu Salamah who had passed away. At that time, he saw Abu Salamah's eyes wide open. Then the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) closed Abu Salamah's eyes. He (PBUH) said: "When the soul is taken, the eyes will follow it." (Narrated by Muslim)


5. Covering the Entire Body

"If facing someone who is in the throes of death and then dies, then cover their entire body. From Aisyah RA, she said, that when the Prophet Muhammad SAW passed away, his body was wrapped in hibrah clothing (a special garment from Yemen)." (HR. Bukhari Muslim)


6. Managing the Deceased

"If you are certain that someone has passed away and has been declared deceased, then their body should be promptly taken care of. Starting from bathing, shrouding, praying for, and then burying."

From Husain bin Wahwah, when Thalhah bin Barrak was sick, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) visited him. He said, "Indeed, I saw that Thalhah has passed away. Inform me about his condition and quickly arrange his funeral because it is not appropriate to keep the body of a Muslim among his family."

"(HR Abu Daud)" in English: "(Hadith Narrated by Abu Daud)"

6 Things to Do When Facing Someone in the Throes of Death, Guide them to Recite the Declaration of Faith!

That is what needs to be done when facing someone who is dying and passing away. Hopefully, by reciting the declaration of faith, they will die in a state of a good ending.

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