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9 Kerugian Melalaikan Sholat Subuh bagi Muslim, Gagal Mendapat Kebaikan dan Penjagaan Allah

9 Losses of Neglecting Fajr Prayer for Muslims, Failing to Obtain Goodness and Allah's Protection.

Dream – Sholat is a matter of sharia that must not be abandoned by Muslims. Neglecting prayer means violating religious commands and leading someone to disbelief. Prayer is the pillar of religion that serves as the foundation for embracing Islam.

9 Losses of Neglecting the Dawn Prayer for Muslims, Failing to Obtain Goodness and Allah's Protection

For those who have reached puberty and are of sound mind, it is obligatory to perform the obligatory prayers, namely Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. Among these obligatory prayers, the one that is often neglected is the Fajr prayer. Its performance in the morning before sunrise makes it difficult for many Muslims to carry out. This is why the Fajr prayer has extraordinary virtues because its performance is burdensome for some people.

9 Losses of Neglecting the Dawn Prayer for Muslims, Failing to Obtain Goodness and Allah's Protection

"Meanwhile, Muslims who neglect the Fajr prayer will experience significant losses in their lives. Here are 9 losses for Muslims who neglect the Fajr prayer. Pay attention carefully so that you will no longer neglect performing the Fajr prayer!"

1. Classified as Hypocrites

The loss of neglecting the first Fajr prayer is that a Muslim is included in the group of hypocrites. This is as stated by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, which means: "The prayer that is most burdensome for hypocrites to perform is the Isha prayer and the Fajr prayer." (HR. Al-Bukhari)


2. Failed to Obtain the Key to Heaven

The loss of neglecting the Fajr prayer for Muslims is that they fail to obtain one of the reasons for entering paradise. Because one of the keys to enter paradise is always performing the Al-Bardain prayers, which are the Fajr prayer and the Asr prayer. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "Whoever prays the Al-Bardain, then he will enter Jannah (paradise)." (Muttafaqun 'Alaih)


3. Failed to Get One of the Reasons to be Saved from Hellfire

The loss of neglecting the Fajr prayer can be the cause of a Muslim's failure to obtain one of the things that will save them from the fire of hell. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "A person who prays before sunrise (Fajr) and before sunset (Asr) will not enter hell." (Narrated by Muslim)

4. Loss because of Not Getting Protection from Allah

Neglecting the Fajr prayer causes a person to incur losses as they fail to receive assistance and protection from Allah SWT. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "Whoever performs the Fajr prayer is under the protection of Allah." (HR. Muslim No. 657)

4. Loss because of Not Getting Protection from Allah


5. Failed to Get the Rewards of Qiyamul Lail

5. Failed to Get the Rewards of Qiyamul Lail

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The reward of performing the night prayer (qiyamul lail) is extremely extraordinary for Muslims. Now, one of the virtues of performing the Fajr prayer is obtaining the reward of qiyamul lail. If a Muslim neglects the Fajr prayer, it means they have failed to obtain the reward of qiyamul lail."

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:"
"Whoever performs the Isya prayer in congregation, it is as if he has performed qiyamul lail for half of the night, and whoever performs the Fajr prayer in congregation, it is as if he has performed qiyamul lail for the whole night."

"(HR. Tirmizi No. 221)" in English is "(HR. Tirmizi No. 221)".


6. Failed to Meet with Angels

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW said: "Among you there are angels who take turns during the day and night, they gather during the Fajr prayer and the Asr prayer, then the angels who spent the night ascend and their Lord asks them—even though He knows best about them—how did you leave My servants?" They answer, "We left them while they were praying, and we also approached them while they were praying."" (HR. Al-Bukhari No. 7429)"

7. Failed to Get Enlightenment on the Day of Judgment

7. Failed to Get Enlightenment on the Day of Judgment

The translation of the given text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW said: "Give glad tidings to those who walk in darkness towards the mosques with perfect light on the Day of Judgment." (HR. Abu Daud, hadith hasan li ghairihi)"

8. Failed to Get Rewards Equivalent to Its Worldly Counterpart

The loss of neglecting the Fajr prayer for Muslims is that they fail to obtain rewards equivalent to the world and its contents. Isn't this a great loss? The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "Two units of Fajr prayer are better than the world and all that is in it." (Narrated by Muslim No. 725) The Fajr prayer referred to here is the voluntary prayer before the obligatory Fajr prayer. If the rewards for the Fajr prayer alone are so great, then how much greater would the rewards be for the obligatory Fajr prayer?

9. Loss of Goodness, Blessings, and Goodness

The loss of neglecting the Fajr prayer for the last Muslim is causing someone to lose various goodness, blessings, and rewards. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "If only they knew the greatness of the virtues of the 'Atamah prayer and the Fajr prayer, surely they would come to it crawling." (Narrated by Bukhari No. 615) The 'Atamah prayer mentioned in the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari refers to the Isha prayer.

That is the 9 disadvantages of neglecting Fajr prayer for Muslims that need to be known. With that, we will no longer underestimate Fajr prayer because of its extraordinary virtues. Hopefully, we all belong to the fortunate ones and are not among those who suffer losses. Amen!

9 Losses of Neglecting the Dawn Prayer for Muslims, Failing to Obtain Goodness and Allah's Protection
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