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Ngaku Derita Kanker Ganas hingga Dapat Donasi Rp621 Juta, Ternyata Cuma Akting, Tipu 400 Orang

Admitting to Suffering from Severe Cancer to Receive Donation of Rp621 Million, Turns Out to be Just Acting, Deceiving 400 People

Dream - Many people commit fraud in hopes of gaining something, one of which is money. This is what a woman from Iowa did. She claimed to be suffering from cancer and shared her struggle on social media, resulting in donations from over 400 people. According to Nypost, 20-year-old Madison Russo never actually suffered from pancreatic cancer, leukemia, or a soccer ball-sized tumor wrapped around her spine, as she claimed in her posts on TikTok, GoFundMe, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Admitting to Suffering from Aggressive Cancer and Receiving Rp621 Million Donation, Turns Out to be Just Acting, Deceiving 400 People

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Russo's lies were exposed when medical professionals noticed inconsistencies in the story he shared on social media. As a result, the police began to investigate and obtained medical records that proved Russo was never diagnosed with cancer in any medical facility in the area."

Arrested in January

Arrested in January

After conducting an investigation, Russo was finally arrested for a fraud case in January.

"In the Conference"

In the trial, Russo pleaded guilty in June to first-degree theft. Along with being sentenced to 10 years of probation on Friday, Russo was required to pay damages amounting to $39,000 (approximately Rp621 million) and a fine of $1,370 (approximately Rp21 million). He also received a punishment of 100 hours of community service. However, Russo will be released if he successfully completes three years of probation without any issues.

Ingin Menghapus Catatan Kriminal yang Dimiliki

"Wish to Erase Existing Criminal Records"

"On the same day, Judge John Telleen rejected the defense's request to expunge his criminal record if he successfully completes probation."

Admitting to Suffering from Aggressive Cancer and Receiving Rp621 Million Donation, Turns Out to be Just Acting, Deceiving 400 People

The judge declares that people who deal with him in the future must know that he has been involved in a criminal scheme, and that serious crimes must have serious consequences.

"Through this scheme, you deceive your friends, your family, your community, other cancer victims, charitable organizations, and strangers who are motivated by your tragic story to donate in order to help support you,"

kata hakim.

Jaksa Membela Russo

Prosecutor Defends Russo

On the other hand, Scott County Prosecutor Kelly Cunningham suggested not to imprison Russo because he has no criminal record, good grades in college, and is employed. There is a small likelihood of committing offenses again.

Admitting to Suffering from Aggressive Cancer and Receiving Rp621 Million Donation, Turns Out to be Just Acting, Deceiving 400 People

This disturbs Rhonda Miles, who runs the pancreatic cancer foundation in Nashville, Tennessee, which donated to Russo and testified in court. "It's truly sad to sit there and watch the Scott County prosecutor act like a defense attorney, so it's difficult," said Miles.

"Wishing to Get Family's Attention"

In court, Russo admitted that he fabricated the story hoping that his troubled family would pay more attention and focus on him. "I did this not for money or greed. I did this not to seek attention. I did this as an effort to reunite my family," he explained. Russo apologized to the court and his victims, and said he hoped to seek help regarding his family. "I fully acknowledge that what I did was wrong. And I am deeply sorry," he said while sobbing.


"Telah Membayar Ganti Rugi" translates to "Has Paid Compensation" in English.

It is known that Russo has paid compensation of $39,000 (approximately Rp621 million) previously, and the money is held by the court. GoFundMe, as a fundraising platform, has sent refunds to the donors.

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