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"Ancient Egyptian Teenage Mummy Found, Died While Pregnant with Twin Babies"

New research confirms that the ancient remains of a fetus found in the headless mummy of a teenage Egyptian girl indicate that she died while giving birth to twins. When archaeologists excavated and unwrapped the mummy's bandages in 1908, they discovered a fetus wrapped in bandages and remnants of the placenta wedged between the girl's legs. Field notes from that time revealed that researchers concluded that the fetus was related to the female mummy.

A girl aged between 14 and 17 years who lived in ancient Egypt between the Late Dynasty period (around 712 to 332 BC) and the Coptic period (between AD 395 and 642). Researchers opened the mother's abdomen and found a fetal skull trapped in the birth canal, indicating that the girl died due to complications during childbirth.

"However, it was only after a century that researchers discovered the second fetus, this time mysteriously trapped in the girl's chest."

Ancient Egyptian Teenage Mummy Found, Died While Carrying Twin Babies

This is the first mummy that has been found,” said the lead author of the study, Francine Margolis, an independent archaeologist based in the US. Although there are many burials of women who died during childbirth in the archaeological record, “none have ever been found in Egypt,”

Margolis said to Live Science via email.

Pada tahun 2021, para peneliti mengumumkan penemuan mumi Mesir yang sedang hamil, tetapi para ahli lain menentang hasil tersebut dan menyimpulkan bahwa wanita tersebut tidak hamil ketika dia meninggal dalam sebuah penelitian pada tahun 2022.

"In 2021, researchers announced the discovery of a pregnant Egyptian mummy, but other experts disputed the findings and concluded that the woman was not pregnant when she died in a study in 2022."

Margolis first studied the mummy excavated in 1908 while writing her master's thesis in anthropology at George Washington University (GWU) in Washington, D.C. about female pelvic morphology in 2019. "I did a CT scan to obtain pelvic measurements," said Margolis. "That’s when we found the second fetus." The 3D images showed that the remains of the fetus, which had no prior records, were lodged in the girl's chest. They performed an X-ray on the mummy for a clearer image of the fetal remains.

When we saw the second fetus, we knew that we had a unique and first discovery in ancient Egyptian archaeology,” said Margolis.

to English is:

“<i>Ketika kami melihat janin kedua, kami tahu bahwa kami memiliki penemuan unik dan yang pertama dalam arkeologi Mesir kuno,</i>” kata Margolis.

The translation of "Penelitian Terbaru" to English is "Latest Research".

For a new study published on December 21 in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, researchers reviewed the upper body of the mummy and the fetus to confirm the cause of death of the teenager. They also reviewed and compiled records and photographs taken during the excavation in 1908.


"Margolis and Hunt found that the girl died during childbirth after the fetus's head became stuck in the birth canal, said Margolis. According to the research, the fetus's head that emerges from the womb during childbirth usually folds to its chest to allow passage through the pelvis. The researchers believe that in this case, the fetus's head did not fold with a position wide enough to pass through and became stuck."

The translation of "Hasil Penelitian" to English is "Research Results".

The analysis results from 2019 indicate that the mother was about 5 feet (1.52 meters) tall and weighed between 100-120 pounds (45 to 55 kilograms). Her small size and young age may have contributed to the failed delivery of the twins, the researchers noted.


"The head of the mother's mummy is missing, which limits researchers' knowledge about her health, said Margolis."

“If we find the head and its teeth, destructive testing on the teeth and hair can provide information about the dietary patterns and metabolic stress he experienced during his life,”
The translation of "katanya" to English is "he said" or "she said." However, since there are no HTML tags in the text you provided, the translation remains as is: "he said" or "she said."

"Source: Live Science"

"It is unclear how the remains of the second fetus ended up in the girl's chest. Researchers suggest that the diaphragm and other tissues dissolved during the mummification process, allowing the small body to migrate upward."

"According to this research, childbirth in ancient Egypt was poorly documented, but the existing records indicate that the birth of twins was considered undesirable. A papyrus from the third period (1070 to 713 BC), known as the Oracle Amulet Decree, offers mothers a spell intended to prevent the birth of twins."

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