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Anies Ogah ke IKN: Kita Kampanye ke Tempat yang Ada Orangnya, Kan Mencari Suara

Anies doesn't want to go to IKN: We campaign to places where there are people, seeking votes.

Anies Ogah ke IKN: Kita Kampanye ke Tempat yang Ada Orangnya, Kan Mencari Suara

"Dream - Presidential candidate (number 1), Anies Baswedan, is not interested in conducting the 2024 Presidential campaign in the National Capital of Nusantara (IKN) in Kalimantan. According to Anies, campaigns should be conducted in crowded areas with a lot of people."

Because, Anies assesses that election participants seem to need the support of the people's votes that need to be won. "We campaign in places where there are people. Well, we campaign to seek votes," said Anies, quoted from, Friday, December 22, 2023.

Anies Ogah ke IKN: Kita Kampanye ke Tempat yang Ada Orangnya, Kan Mencari Suara

Anies explained that his priority during this campaign period is the regions with a large population to gather votes and achieve victory in the 2024 General Election.

"This is how it is, our priority now is to visit the regions to meet the residents, because the goal is to meet the residents. So, if in regions that are full of residents, we will visit them, so that we can meet all the residents.""
he said.


"Previously, Anies Baswedan emphasized that the IKN Law is one example of a legal product that did not go through a public dialogue process. This was conveyed by Anies Baswedan in response to a question from presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, during the presidential debate at the KPU on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. Ganjar asked whether Anies rejected the continuation of the IKN."

"This is an example of a legal product that did not go through a complete public dialogue process, so the dialogue happened after it became a law," said Anies. "Why? Because there was no comprehensive discussion process that gave space to the public," he added.

Anies Ogah ke IKN: Kita Kampanye ke Tempat yang Ada Orangnya, Kan Mencari Suara

Anies touched on the fact that Indonesia is a country based on the rule of law, not a country based on power. Therefore, any policy issued must be based on rules, not power.

"This is a country of law, not a country of power. In a country of law, give space for the public to discuss a regulation before it is established. But the tone is like a country of power, where the ruler determines the law. And then from there, we debate pros and cons."
"Anies said."



Anies Baswedan also raised the issue of urgent needs that are required in the Kalimantan island rather than building IKN at a very expensive cost. "Regarding IKN. When we have urgent problems right in front of us, in Kalimantan itself, the need to rebuild many damaged schools, build railways or intercity toll roads in Kalimantan is urgent," said Anies.

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