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"8 Mysterious and Creepy Photos that Until Now are Still Difficult to Explain Rationally"

"Dream - This world is full of mysterious things that until now may have never been revealed. These mysteries even make some scientists go round and round to solve them."

Like a series of 8 creepy and very mysterious photos that have been taken as follows. Until now, the truth behind these phenomenal photos cannot be explained with certainty.

Bola Api Naga

"Bola Api Naga" translates to "Dragon Fireball" in English.

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The Mekong Lamp or Dragon Fireball is a natural phenomenon that can be witnessed in the Mekong River region of Thailand and Laos."

Residents can see glowing red balls emerging from the bottom of the Mekong River and floating into the air. Until now, there has been no scientific research that can explain this strange phenomenon.

"Black Satellite"

The strange object that was photographed by NASA's STS-88 mission in 1998 is dubbed "Satellite Black Knight".

The following is the translation of the Bahasa text to English while preserving any HTML tags: "This object is an advanced and mysterious outer space satellite that orbits the Earth. Conspiracy theories suggest that it is a spacecraft or outer space satellite, and NASA is covering up its existence and origin. Some believe that the "Black Knight Satellite" is over 13,000 years old and appeared in orbit to monitor humanity. The existence of this mysterious object has always been a spotlight throughout history."

"Mystery of the Twin Brother"

In 1925, the little girl in the photo below lost her twin brother in a fire that occurred in their house. However, as seen in the photo, this child is always accompanied by her twin ghost wherever she goes.

8 Foto Misterius dan Menyeramkan yang Sampai Sekarang Masih Sulit Dijelaskan dengan Nalar

Creature Alien?

On May 23, 1964, an English man named Jim Templeton took a photo of his 5-year-old daughter during a day trip to Burgh Marsh.

8 Foto Misterius dan Menyeramkan yang Sampai Sekarang Masih Sulit Dijelaskan dengan Nalar

Templeton was shocked when he was printing the photo. As seen in the photo, he saw a figure in the background that looked like an extraterrestrial being. However, the only other person present that day was an elderly woman sitting inside a car at the edge of the marsh. Analysts confirmed the authenticity of Templeton's photo.

<span style=Cahaya Biru Aneh translates to Strange Blue Light in English." loading="lazy">

Cahaya Biru Aneh translates to Strange Blue Light in English.

During the Apollo 14 mission, a photo taken on the surface of the Moon showed a strange blue light that was miles away and should not have been there.

A series of photos taken at the same time also display the strange "blue light". Some people associate it with camera lens sound. While others claim that it is evidence of extraterrestrial objects, UFOs, or NASA's hidden secrets.

"Babushka Lady"

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English', while preserving any HTML tags: "A mysterious woman is always seen in every photo of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza, Dallas in 1963."

Although appearing in several photos, the face of Babushka Lady was never captured because she always faced away from the camera or was covered by her own camera. Despite investigation efforts, the existence of Babushka Lady remains a mystery to this day.

Suku Asmat Bule? translates to

Suku Asmat Bule? translates to "Asmat Tribe White?" in English.

Michael Rockefeller disappeared during the Asmat Tribe expedition in southwestern Dutch New Guinea (now Papua Province, Indonesia) in 1961.

Because he has not been found yet, Rockefeller was finally declared dead. However, in 1969, a photo showed a white man believed to be Rockefeller, who was allegedly joined the tribe.

"Mystery of the Hand"

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The picture taken by Montague Cooper dates back to the early 1900s."

During the film printing process, a ghost hand appeared. Analysts examined the photo, but they couldn't find any signs that the photo had been edited or manipulated, which means it is an original photo.

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