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Awas! Rumah Kamu Tidak akan Didatangi Malaikat, Ini 5 Ciri-cirinya

"Beware! Your House Will Not Be Visited by Angels, Here Are 5 Signs"

The comfortable home in the view of Islam is a home filled with love, togetherness, and devotion to Allah SWT.

"Dream - In Islam, a home is not just a place to shelter from the heat and rain, but also a place where harmony, tranquility, and blessings come together. A comfortable home in the view of Islam is a home filled with love, togetherness, and piety towards Allah SWT. Within it, the family carries out daily life with sincerity and obedience to His teachings. A comfortable home is not only felt in physical terms but also from spiritual and emotional aspects, creating an environment that supports worship and brings one closer to Allah."

"Included is the presence of angels in the house that will make the home feel peaceful to live in. However, there are several characteristics that can cause the house to be avoided by angels."

Beware! Your House Will Not Be Visited by Angels, Here Are 5 Signs

"In Islam, angels are creatures of Allah that always bring blessings and mercy. Therefore, it is important to know what can cause angels to be reluctant to enter our homes. Here are some characteristics that make angels not come to our homes as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Ciri-Ciri Rumah yang Tidak Didatangi oleh Malaikat

The translation of "Ciri-Ciri Rumah yang Tidak Didatangi oleh Malaikat" to English is "Characteristics of a House that is Not Visited by Angels".

"1. Image or Statue of Living Creatures"

"Angels do not enter a house that contains images or statues of living beings. In a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Angels will not enter a house that has a dog and paintings." This is because images or statues can lead to acts of shirk or worshiping other than Allah. In addition, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said:"

"If you must draw or make a statue, then make (a picture of) a tree and anything that does not have a soul." (HR. Bukhari)

Beware! Your House Will Not Be Visited by Angels, Here Are 5 Signs

"2. Dog Inside the House"

"Angels do not enter a house that has a dog, except for dogs used for hunting or guarding livestock. In a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Angels will not enter a house that contains a dog or images (of living creatures)." In this case, angels will not enter a house that has a dog that is indeed forbidden."

The text translated to English while preserving the HTML tags is: "The dogs that are not forbidden are hunting dogs, dogs that are tasked with guarding fields, crops, and livestock. Then there are also guard dogs.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"Whoever keeps a dog other than for the purpose of guarding fields or for hunting, his reward will be diminished by one qirath every day." (HR Bukhari and Muslim)"

"3. Unmaintained Cleanliness"

"Cleanliness is part of faith. A dirty house that is not well-maintained can make angels reluctant to enter. In a hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Indeed, Allah is good and loves goodness, clean and loves cleanliness." Besides that, angels also like pleasant scents. The fragrance of a house indicates that its inhabitants take good care of its cleanliness."

Rasulullah saw said: \

Beware! Your House Will Not Be Visited by Angels, Here Are 5 Signs

"4. The House of Those Who Cut Off Ties of Brotherhood"

The next characteristic of a house that is not visited by angels is the house of a person who severs family ties. As explained in a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Those who sever family ties will not enter paradise." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) Furthermore, in another hadith, it also explains:

"It is not permissible for a Muslim to boycott his brother for more than 3 days. Whoever boycotts his brother for more than 3 days, then dies, will enter hell." (HR. Abu Daud, Annasa'i)"

"5. A House That Is Never Filled with the Reading of the Quran"

The last characteristic is a house that is never filled with the recitation of the Quran and whose inhabitants do not speak of good things. In fact, angels will not come to a house filled with singing or music. As the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Indeed, the house in which the Quran is recited, its inhabitants will have spaciousness, much goodness, angels will attend it, and the devils will leave it."

"On the contrary, a house where the Al Qur'an is not recited, its inhabitants will be in distress, its goodness will be little, angels will leave it, and devils will approach it." (HR. Ibn Sirin)

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