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Apakah Boikot Produk Israel Bisa Bebaskan Palestina dari Penjajahan? Begini Jawaban Ustadz Felix Siauw

"Can Boycott of Israeli Products Free Palestine from Colonization? This is Ustadz Felix Siauw's Answer"

Can Boycott of Israeli Products Free Palestine from Colonization? This is Ustadz Felix Siauw's Answer

"Dream - The call for boycotting Israeli products has recently been increasingly vocalized. This is a form of solidarity with the Palestinian people who have been treated inhumanely by Israel."

Can Boycott of Israeli Products Free Palestine from Colonization? This is Ustadz Felix Siauw's Answer

Not only products from Israel, but also products from Israel's supporters are boycotted. Therefore, the public is encouraged to choose alternative products that are not related to Israel or its supporters. This call has been enthusiastically responded to by most people. It has even been widely spread through social media. So, does this effort make the Palestinian people free from colonization? This has prompted some figures to speak out and express their opinions regarding the boycott of Israeli products. One of them is Ustadz Felix Siauw, who is known as a young preacher.

What is Ustadz Felix Siauw's view on the call to boycott Israeli products? Here is a summary as compiled by Dream for you.

Can Boycott of Israeli Products Free Palestine from Colonization? This is Ustadz Felix Siauw's Answer

"Boycott is not a Solution to Solve Problems"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The voices containing commands to boycott Israeli products are getting louder. Many people are also avoiding those products and choosing alternative options."

The emergence of this call has sparked various responses, one of which is from ustadz Felix Siauw. The young preacher known for his critical views expressed his opinion, stating that boycotting Israeli products is not meant to solve the problem. "Yes, boycotting is a solution. But boycotting is not meant to solve the problem, but rather a statement of support, defense, breaking the silence, and not giving up," he wrote on his personal Instagram account @felix.siauw. According to him, what is important is the unity of the Muslim community that needs to be built. This is because it is related to Baitul Maqdis, which is a matter concerning the entire Muslim community, its officials and people, as well as its army and troops.

"Not Significantly Affecting the Economy of Israel"

"In addition, Ustadz Feliz Siauw also stated that boycotting Israeli products does not significantly affect Israel's economy."

Tidak Berpengaruh Signifikan pada Ekonomi Israel

This is because Israel itself has many sources of income. For example, from taxes, investments, foreign aid, and arms trade. Not only that, Israel also has supporting countries that are also trading partners. Such as European countries, Russia, and India. In this regard, the presence of the United States has strong strategic and ideological interests in supporting Israel. For America, Israel is an ally of democracy, a security guard, and a spreader of the Jewish religion in the Middle East.

"Impacts Negative for the Muslim Community Itself"

Regarding the boycott of Israeli products, Ustadz Felix Siauw stated about its impact on the Muslim community itself.

Where this has an impact on employees working in Israeli and American companies. By boycotting, it can have an impact on job loss, income, and welfare. Where the people working in it are Muslims. However, on the other hand, there is concern about the money they earn being used to finance such colonial actions.

"Intolerant and Radical Impression"

The impact of boycotting Israeli products is not only limited to Muslim employees, but also the impression it creates on the Muslim community. Namely, as a community that is intolerant, radical, and anti-West.

Kesan Intoleran dan Radikal

Therefore, Ustadz Felix Siauw advises that Muslims not only focus on boycotting Israeli products. But also to participate in activities that have impact and benefits. For example, giving charity, spreading the message of Islam, praying, and innovating. As Muslims, we must be able to improve the quality of faith, knowledge, and deeds. By doing so, we will become a strong, intelligent, and productive community. Equally important, Muslims must always maintain unity and collaborate with other communities who are concerned and fair. So that in the future, a global alliance can be formed to exert pressure and stop Israel's colonization of Palestine.

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