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Kumpulan Doa Mustajab Warisan Para Nabi, Amalkan Tiap Hari Agar Hidup Makin Berarti

Collection of Mustajab Prayers Inherited from the Prophets, Practice Every Day to Make Life More Meaningful

Collection of Powerful Prayers Inherited from the Prophets, Practice Every Day to Make Life More Meaningful

Dream - The Prophets not only taught the oneness of God and the revelation of Allah SWT. They also left a legacy of prayers that are efficacious for those who are willing to practice them.

Collection of Powerful Prayers Inherited from the Prophets, Practice Every Day to Make Life More Meaningful

Many prayers from the prophets are preserved in the Quran to be practiced by the Muslim community. The words of the prophets' supplications can also become powerful prayers if they are offered with full hope to Allah SWT.

Collection of Powerful Prayers Inherited from the Prophets, Practice Every Day to Make Life More Meaningful

Climbing the heritage prayers of the prophets below regularly will bring blessings to the Muslim community. In fact, these prayers of the prophets' heritage are known as effective prayers.

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Following are the Inherited Prayers of the Prophets in the Quran that Need to be Read Regularly:"

Prayer of Prophet Adam Seeking Forgiveness (Repentance)

To seek forgiveness for all intentional and unintentional sins, recite the repentance prayer of Prophet Adam as follows: Qālā rabbanā ẓalamnā anfusanā wa il lam taghfir lanā wa tar-ḥamnā lanakūnannamin al-khāsirīn which means: "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers." (Quran, Al-A'raf: 23)


"Prayer of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail After Building the Kaaba"

Nab Ibrahim and Nabi Ismail collaborated to build the Kaaba, which is now the qibla for Muslims to perform prayer. When they finished building the Kaaba, Nabi Ibrahim and Nabi Ismail prayed as Allah recorded in Surah Al Baqarah verse 127 as follows:

رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا ٦ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ السَّمِيعُ العَلِيمُ Our Lord, accept from us. Surely, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
"Rabbanā taqabbal minnā, innaka antas-samī'ul-'alīm" translates to "Our Lord, accept from us, indeed You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing" in English.

Translated: "Meaning: 'O our Lord, accept from us (our deeds), for indeed You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.'"


"Prayer for the Healing of Prophet Job"

Nabi Ayub was once tested by Allah SWT with a severe skin disease that lasted for years. Nabi Ayub was one of Allah's messengers who had extraordinary patience. Not only did he suffer from a skin disease, but Nabi Ayub was also tested with many things, such as his house being destroyed, his children dying, and even being betrayed by his own wife. Then Nabi Ayub sought Allah SWT's help when he was afflicted with that severe skin disease. Nabi Ayub's prayer for healing from this disease is mentioned in the Quran, in Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 83.

I am sorry and you have mercy on the merciful.
Inni massaniya adh-dhurrh wa antra arhamur-rahimin Translation: "Verily, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful."

It means: "Verily, I have been afflicted with a disease, while You are the Lord, the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy." (QS. al-Anbiya: 83)

Doa Syukur Nabi Sulaiman

"Prayer of Gratitude by Prophet Sulaiman"

Nabi Sulaiman is one of Allah's messengers who was blessed with abundant wealth. Despite being bestowed with many blessings, Nabi Sulaiman never ceased to express gratitude to Allah. One of Nabi Sulaiman's prayers of gratitude is immortalized by Allah in the Quran, in Surah An-Naml, verse 19.

"حَثينىاٍ حَلىقالريالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلايىآالالالايلاي 
"Rabbi auzi'nī an asykura ni'matakallatī an'amta 'alayya wa 'alā wālidayya wa an a'mala ṣāliḥan tarḍāhu wa adkhilnī biraḥmatika fī 'ibādikaṣ-ṣāliḥīn" translates to "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your blessings upon me and upon my parents, and to do righteous deeds that please You, and admit me by Your mercy into the company of Your righteous servants."

Translation: "Meaning: 'O my Lord, grant me inspiration to be grateful for Your blessings that You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to perform righteous deeds that You are pleased with; and admit me by Your mercy into the ranks of Your righteous servants.'"


"Prayer of Prophet Muhammad SAW Asking for Goodness"

Many prayers inherited from the Prophet Muhammad SAW, both conveyed through hadith and enshrined by Allah in the Quran. رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ"Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka." (QS. Al Baqarah ayat 201)

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