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Exciting Discovery of Previously Unknown Prehistoric World

Exciting Discovery of Previously Unknown Prehistoric World

Recently, scientists discovered an exotic world previously unknown in the remote desert region of Argentina. The desert is located at an altitude of over 3,500 meters and is situated in a location inaccessible through conventional roads.

In the white salt flats of the highlands of Puna de Atacama, there are a series of green-colored lagoons that serve as the habitat for a community of bacteria that form layered mounds. This community of bacteria is known as stromatolites. This unique ecosystem can provide insights into the conditions of Earth billions of years ago, when primitive organisms first emerged on our planet.

"This lagoon can be one of the best modern examples of the early signs of life on Earth," said Brian Hynek, a geology expert and scientist who discovered this complex ecosystem, as reported by SEA Mashable."

Controversial Discovery of Prehistoric World that was Previously Unknown

"This is unlike anything I have ever seen before, or even anything ever seen by any scientist."
"Discovering undocumented things like that on our planet is truly extraordinary."

continue Hynek, a professor at CU Boulder is amazed.


The most ancient evidence of life on Earth is preserved stromatolites, like fossil structures that are 3.45 billion years old, found in Marble Bar, Western Australia. During that period, photosynthetic microbes, known as cyanobacteria, formed these layered mounds. Although significant oxygen from cyanobacteria only appeared in Earth's atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago.

"Give instructions about the condition of Planet Mars"

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The newly discovered ecosystem provides indications about the past conditions of Mars, when the planet had a moderate climate, water, and features such as lakes and flowing rivers. "If life had evolved on Mars to the point of fossilization, the conditions would be like this," said Hynek."

Controversial Discovery of Prehistoric World that was Previously Unknown

"Understanding this modern community on Earth can provide us with information about what to look for when searching for similar features on the rocks of Mars."

Proof that these unique lagoons have not yet been identified by modern scientists is not surprising. While in a small village in the high desert with a population of about 35 people, researchers recently discovered this lagoon after following clues on satellite images. Their journey took them across remote deserts, through roads that have been exhausted, and on foot until they finally reached the green-colored waters, a very surprising discovery.

"In several locations, we sank up to our knees in salt mud,"
"Hynek said, highlighting the discovery in the desert of Argentina."

Source: SEA Mashable

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