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Prabowo Asks for Opinion on Gibran: How About Our Vice President?

Prabowo Asks for Opinion on Gibran: How About Our Vice President?

Prabowo Minta Pendapat Soal Gibran: Gimana Paten Gak Wakil Presiden Kita?

Dream - Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka officially declare themselves as presidential candidate (capres) and vice presidential candidate (cawapres) who will run in the 2024 Presidential Election.

"“We, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, ask for the blessings and prayers from all Indonesian people. We express our gratitude to all of our supporters and advocates, and I would like to convey our determination, along with our brothers and sisters, to move forward and seek the mandate from the Indonesian people,”"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is: "words of Prabowo Subianto at Gelora Bung Karno, Wednesday, 25 October 2023."


"Speech by Prabowo Declaring Candidacy for Presidential Election"

In his speech, Prabowo conveyed the steps he will take together with Gibran for Indonesia as a presidential and vice-presidential candidate pair.

"Because we are facing a very important point in the history of the Indonesian nation, we are facing a point where we can rise towards a great Indonesia, an Indonesia free from poverty, an Indonesia free from hunger, an Indonesia free from malnutrition, an Indonesia where its children will grow up happy, strong, and smart, an Indonesia where the wealth of Indonesia will be used to the fullest for the entire Indonesian people,"



"It is our determination, it is our struggle, it is our oath to the people of Indonesia. I will no longer give long speeches, I only convey our whole heart and soul for the people of Indonesia,"

"tegasnya." translates to "firmness."

"Gibran Leaks Joint Program with Prabowo"

In that opportunity, Gibran as the vice presidential candidate supported by the Indonesian Forward Coalition also delivered his speech. Gibran revealed several programs that he will bring when running together with Prabowo Subianto.

Prabowo Minta Pendapat Soal Gibran: Gimana Paten Gak Wakil Presiden Kita?

"Starting from programs for students, millennials, Generation Z, the elderly, to children in Indonesia. The moment of Gibran's speech at GBK was also the first time he stood alongside Prabowo in front of the public as a presidential and vice-presidential candidate pair."

"Bagaimana? Gak salah pilihan aku? Paten gak? paten gak wakil presiden kita? terlalu muda gak? gue terlalu tua gak?" Translation: "How? Did I make the wrong choice? Is it perfect? Is our vice president perfect? Too young or not? Am I too old or not?"
"ujar Prabowo." translates to "said Prabowo."


Gibran ke Prabowo: Tenang Saja Pak, Saya Sudah di Sini

Gibran ke Prabowo: Tenang Saja Pak, Saya Sudah di Sini

Belum jelas maksud dari ucapan Gibran Rakabuming itu. Namun diduga kuat ini terkait situasi politik yang kelewat meninggi dalam dua pekan terakhir.

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