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"Kebelet Nikah, Wanita Ini Terima Lamaran Pria Lain dan Campakkan Pacar Sehari Jelang Akad, Kini Gila Mikirin Mantan" "Desperate to Get Married, This Woman Accepts Another Man's Proposal and Dumps Her Boyfriend a Day Before the Wedding Ceremony, Now She's Crazy Thinking About Her Ex"

Desperate to Get Married, This Woman Receives Another Man's Proposal and Dumps Her Boyfriend a Day Before the Wedding, Now She's Obsessed with Her Ex

Dream - Not all love stories can anchor at the wedding altar, Many of us have to accept that their love story ends halfway. Some even decide to marry someone else.

That is what was experienced by a woman from Malaysia, who shared her story through social media and was published on the mStar page. The woman admitted to leaving her boyfriend and choosing to marry another man. The woman is indeed considered mature enough to build a household. She is already 26 years old. However, at that time, her boyfriend promised to marry her four years later.

Clearly, the woman is confused. She is already mature in age, but she only received a promise to get married four years later. She feels that when the promise arrives, she will be too old to get married. Moreover, she is older than her boyfriend. At the same time, a man who wants to propose comes. The woman, whose identity is not mentioned, becomes even more confused. Moreover, the woman knows that the man who wants to propose to her is financially stable.

Desperate to Get Married, This Woman Receives Another Man's Proposal and Dumps Her Boyfriend a Day Before the Wedding, Now She's Obsessed with Her Ex

"I can't wait because I'm traveling and staying alone. I want someone to take care of me," said the woman.

"Be that woman who is very eager to get married. She didn't want to think twice and accepted the proposal. Finally, this woman married the man. The woman decided to end her relationship with her boyfriend one day before the wedding, last January. 'I broke up with my boyfriend one day before the wedding,' added the woman. She wants to start a new life with the man who provides clarity."

The husband of the woman is indeed kind-hearted. However, that does not mean their married life goes smoothly. The decision to get married turned out to be the beginning of a disaster.

"Although she is living with a kind-hearted husband, the woman is actually struggling because she can no longer communicate with her ex. She admitted that it is not easy to fall in love again after marrying her husband. 'My husband is fine, I just feel unwell and busy remembering my ex,' said the woman."

Desperate to Get Married, This Woman Receives Another Man's Proposal and Dumps Her Boyfriend a Day Before the Wedding, Now She's Obsessed with Her Ex

The confusion of the heart even made the woman stalk her ex. She wants to make sure whether her ex-boyfriend has started dating another woman after being left for marriage.

"I stalk my ex-boyfriend every day to make sure if he's with someone else," said the woman. At the same time, the woman feels guilty towards her husband. She asks for prayers for her family to be well."

"I love my husband, but sometimes I feel nervous when thinking about him," said the woman. "I feel like everything is wrong and sinful," the woman added. This post received a lot of responses from Malaysian netizens."

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