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"Example of a Welcome Speech by the Chairman of the Committee for August 17: Brief but Full of Advice"

"Dream - The Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia has always been a special moment for all Indonesian people. Every August 17th, we celebrate with a full spirit of nationalism and gratitude for the independence that has been fought for by the heroes. One important element in this celebration is the welcoming speech of the chairman of the August 17 committee, which is brief yet meaningful. This speech not only serves as the opening of the event but also as a means to remind us of the importance of unity and struggle."

"For those of you who are preparing a speech as the chairman of the August 17 committee, the following example of a short speech by the chairman of the August 17 committee filled with advice seems suitable for you to use as a reference. Just take a look at the example of the short speech by the chairman of the August 17 committee below!"

Example of a Short Welcome Speech from the Chairman of the August 17 Committee But Full of Advice

Brief Opening Remarks from the Chairman of the August 17 Committee.

"Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings, greetings of peace to us all! Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, for by His grace and blessings, we are able to gather here to commemorate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. It is hard to believe that we have been free from colonization for 79 years, and now it is time for us to continue to uphold and celebrate this independence with full gratitude and spirit."

"Happy audience!"

"As the chairperson of the committee, I would like to thank all parties who have contributed to the organization of this event. Without the support and cooperation from various parties, this celebration certainly would not have been able to take place successfully. This August 17 event serves as a moment to remind us all of the importance of unity and mutual cooperation in building the nation."


"In every celebration of Independence Day, we are reminded of the sacrifices of the heroes who fought for the freedom of this nation. They were willing to sacrifice, even their lives, for the independence that we enjoy today. Therefore, we as the next generation must always appreciate and preserve this legacy as best as we can."

The translation of "Hadirin sekalian!" to English is "Ladies and gentlemen!"

Sure! Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Please note that the meaning of independence is not just to be free from colonialism, but it also means we must be free in thinking, creating, and innovating. Independence is an opportunity to advance and develop, as well as to contribute to the progress of the nation. In this brief welcoming speech, I would like to invite the audience to make the most of independence, to continue creating, and to give the best for our beloved country."

"As Indonesian citizens, we must always uphold the values of togetherness and unity. Without unity, we can easily be divided and lose our direction. Let us make this moment of August 17th a momentum to strengthen our sense of nationalism and love for our homeland."

Example of a Short Welcome Speech from the Chairman of the August 17 Committee But Full of Advice

"Honorable audience!"

Sure! Here is the translation while preserving the HTML tags: "Akhir kata, saya ucapkan Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-79. Semoga kita semua selalu diberikan kesehatan, kekuatan, dan semangat untuk terus berjuang dan berkarya demi kejayaan bangsa dan negara. Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh."


Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Thus, that is an example of a brief welcome speech from the chairman of the committee for August 17, but full of advice. Hopefully, what has been conveyed can inspire many people to continue to uphold the spirit of independence and contribute to building a better Indonesia. Let us celebrate today with joy and togetherness, while always remembering the services of the heroes who have brought us to this independence. Long live the Republic of Indonesia!"

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