"Dream - A woman did not expect to be divorced by her husband while she was selling on live TikTok. Her video went viral and garnered sympathy from netizens. Nur Hazwani Mustapha (37) said she was at her home in Pasir Tumboh, Malaysia, last Wednesday."
"Like she usually does, she was doing a live broadcast on TikTok to sell her goods. While explaining the product, her husband suddenly approached her angrily. Their argument continued until her husband mentioned divorce. 'At that moment, we were arguing and there was provocation between us before my husband divorced me,' said Nur as quoted from Harian Metro."
"Nur said her husband married another woman last April. It is suspected that the woman is in Thailand."
"Initially, she wanted to sincerely accept the mistress as the second wife, but because they always teased and provoked her, she felt hurt. Therefore, she could not accept the woman as her husband's second wife. 'My husband married another woman more than three months ago or in April, suspected to be in Thailand without my knowledge. At first, I wanted to accept the 'honey', but because they like to provoke and create issues, I do not agree with my husband's second marriage,' she said."
"Nevertheless, the husband seems to love his second wife more. This makes Nur feel desperate.
“My husband also seems to love his second wife more than me as the first wife, which makes my heart bitter,” she said."
"Nur said that she has been married to her husband for 10 years and they have been blessed with two children, aged 4 and 7. She previously worked as a member of the Regional Apparatus Enforcement (PBT). However, she has resigned herself to living with her husband to take care of the family."
"The husband was always by her side in the early days of their marriage. He has endured many hardships together."
“For the sake of my husband, I am willing to quit my job because I want to be by his side, but after 10 years, this is what I got. At the beginning of our marriage, I was willing to live in hardship with him until our lives improved, but this is the reward I received,” she said. Now their household is on the brink. Even after her husband asked for a divorce in front of 3,000 live viewers, Nur admitted she could only accept it.
“Although I got divorced while live on air with 3,000 people watching, I calmed myself and wanted to move on with my life with my children,” she said. Nur felt relieved after being free from her husband and wanted to focus on her online cosmetics business. According to her, the divorce brought wisdom because her clients increased and she started to be recognized compared to before when she was not known to the public.
"Whatever people say, I don't care because they haven't felt what I am going through. I hope the community prays for the best for me and my children,""
The translation of "ujar Nur." to English is "said Nur."
The text "dream.co.id" does not contain any translatable content, as it appears to be a web address. Therefore, the translation remains the same: "dream.co.id"
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