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The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Facts of Junior High School Students in Padang Found Dead Floating in a River Allegedly Assaulted by Police".

Dream - 1st grade junior high school student with the initials AM was found dead under the Batang Kuranji bridge, Pasar Ambacang Village, Kuranji District, Padang City, on June 9, 2024. The investigation conducted by the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Padang suspects that the 13-year-old child died as a result of being tortured by police officers who were on patrol.

Facts: Junior High School Students in Padang Found Dead Floating in a River Allegedly Abused by the Police

"Based on the investigation results of LBH, we saw the deceased become a victim of torture by the police allegedly carried out by members of Sabhara Polda Sumbar," said the Director of LBH Padang, quoted from, Monday, June 24, 2024."

"Alleged Victims of Assault"

From the investigation conducted by LBH together with the victim's friend, the incident occurred around 04.00 AM. At that time, AM was riding with the victim A on the Aliran Batang Kuranji bridge. At the same time, both of them who were riding a motorcycle were approached by police officers who were on patrol. "At that time, the police kicked the vehicle, causing the victim AM to be thrown to the side of the road. When thrown, the distance between victim AM and victim A was about two meters," he said.

"Performing Inspection"

The West Sumatra Regional Police Chief (Sumbar), Police Inspector General Suharyono, explained that they are currently conducting an investigation into the spread of the news. "We need to clarify that it has gone viral in the mass media as if the police here acted wrongly, that the police have assaulted someone resulting in the loss of another person's life. That is not true, there is no evidence," said Suharyono.

"I will never believe until the investigation is completed that there is someone who claims as if the police here did something that is not in accordance with the standard operational procedures, where did he know that, that's why we will first secure the person, we will first examine the person who spread the news, where is the source," he continued.

Facts: Junior High School Students in Padang Found Dead Floating in a River Allegedly Abused by the Police

"18 Students Arrested for Brawl"

He said, on June 9, 2024, there were 18 junior high school students taken to Kuranji Police Station because they were about to have a brawl, but none of them were named Afif Maulana. "Out of the 18 people who were taken, all of them were junior high school students, none of them were named Afif Maulana," he said.


Then, during the day around 11:55 AM WIB, a body was found under the Kuranji bridge named Afif Maulana. "Based on Aditia's statement, who was riding with Afif Maulana at that time, he admitted that Afif asked him to jump into the river to avoid being chased by the police. That's Aditia's testimony," he said.

Found Knife

He said, out of the 18 people who were brought, one person was detained for carrying a sharp weapon. "One person was caught carrying a sharp weapon, while many sharp weapons were found scattered at the location," he said.


"30 Members of West Sumatra Regional Police Examined"

Suharyono said, 30 members of the West Sumatra Regional Police who were on duty at the time of the incident have been examined. They are also still waiting for the autopsy results that have not been released yet. "Until now, we are still waiting for the autopsy results," he said.


Had a Video Call with Father

Meanwhile, the victim's father, Rinal, said that on June 8, 2024, AM went swimming with his brother and returned at 18.00 WIB (Western Indonesian Time). They had a video call on WhatsApp at 22.30 WIB. At that time, AM was in Cengkeh, Pasar Ambacang, Kuranji District. The victim said he was at his friend's house and would watch soccer at 23.30 WIB.

Facts: Junior High School Students in Padang Found Dead Floating in a River Allegedly Abused by the Police

"At that time, I asked what time he would come home. He answered 02.00, but I scolded him and told him to sleep at his friend's house because I was afraid there would be robbers. At that time, he sent a video of him cooking noodles with his friends," said Rinal in an interview with, Thursday, June 20, 2024, afternoon."

"Found Dead"

"Because he had not returned home, on June 9, 2024, around 11.00 AM, he called AM but the number could no longer be contacted. A few hours later, he received news from the Kuranji Police Station that AM had passed away due to a brawl and was autopsied at Bhayangkara Hospital. 'Next, he made a report to the Polresta and was informed that AM had died due to a brawl, resulting in 6 fractured ribs and a punctured lung,' he said."

"Victim's Condition"

He said, many bruises and shoe marks were found on AM's body. "Many bruises, on the stomach, on the back, on the waist, the stomach looks like a big shoe mark, the hands are completely bruised. The police also said it was due to falling or jumping, then I said it's impossible because if you fall, you would break," he said.


He said, "AM is a good child and I'm not sure he was involved in a brawl as claimed by the police. It is also said that it was because of the brawl, but I'm not convinced. Especially when looking at the injuries on the victim's body. His surviving friend and the people I met with also confirmed that they were not involved in a brawl, and there were no witnesses who saw them fighting," he said.

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