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Ganjar Soal Koruptor: Impoverish, Send to Nusakambangan

Ganjar Soal Koruptor: Impoverish, Send to Nusakambangan

Ganjar Soal Koruptor: Miskinkan, Kirim ke Nusakambangan

Dream - Presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, speaks about the deterrent effect of corruption. Ganjar emphasizes the need to immediately pass the Asset Confiscation Law to bring corruptors to Nusakambangan for a deterrent effect.

"First, from the law enforcement side, if I start from here, what needs to be done is impoverishment, second is asset confiscation, so let's immediately resolve the asset confiscation law, and corrupt officials should be taken to Nusakambangan."
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Ganjar's words at KPU, Tuesday, December 12, 2023."

"" (no translation needed)

Ganjar Soal Koruptor: Miskinkan, Kirim ke Nusakambangan

Ganjar emphasizes that it must be implemented in order to have a deterrent effect. According to him, corruption is not a trivial matter.

"To have a deterrent effect that this is not a joke."
"ucapnya." translates to "he/she said."


Ganjar Soal Koruptor: Miskinkan, Kirim ke Nusakambangan

"Not only that, Ganjar also talks about how leaders should set an example. One of them, he said, is by living a simple life."

"However, what needs to be given is an example from a leader that he lives simply, he does not indulge, he teaches how integrity is built."
The translation of the text "imbuhnya" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is "additional."


Saat Prabowo Dicecar Soal Putusan MKMK oleh Ganjar dan Anies: Sudahlah, Rakyat yang Putuskan

Saat Prabowo Dicecar Soal Putusan MKMK oleh Ganjar dan Anies: Sudahlah, Rakyat yang Putuskan

Prabowo mengatakan, putusan masalah etika sudah final dan tidak perlu lagi diperdebatkan.

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Anies Plans 'Hotline Paris' Program, State Lawyers' Service for the Public

Anies Plans 'Hotline Paris' Program, State Lawyers' Service for the Public

Anies wants to create a free legal service program called 'Hotline Paris'.

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Heated Debate About Papua, Prabowo: It's Not That Simple, Mr. Anies

Heated Debate About Papua, Prabowo: It's Not That Simple, Mr. Anies

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Prabowo: Saya Pertaruhkan Nyawa Bela Demokrasi, Hukum dan HAM

Prabowo: Saya Pertaruhkan Nyawa Bela Demokrasi, Hukum dan HAM

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Deliver Vision and Mission in the First Presidential Debate, Anies Baswedan: This is a Rule of Law State, Not a Power State

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2009 Jadi Moderator, 2023 Ikut Debat Pilpres, Anies Baswedan: Namanya Hidup, Tak Pernah Menyangka

2009 Jadi Moderator, 2023 Ikut Debat Pilpres, Anies Baswedan: Namanya Hidup, Tak Pernah Menyangka

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