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Gibran Tiba-Tiba Bocorkan Program Kampanye, dari Kredit Start Up hingga KIS Lansia

"Gibran Suddenly Reveals Campaign Program, from Start Up Credit to Elderly Health Insurance"

Gibran Tiba-Tiba Bocorkan Program Kampanye, dari Kredit Start Up hingga KIS Lansia

"Dream - Vice Presidential candidate from the Indonesian Forward Coalition (KIM), Gibran Rakabuming Raka, said that his task is to continue the ongoing programs. He stated that his duty is to perfect the program."

"We all believe that the programs that have been implemented have brought Indonesia to the gateway of progress,"

According to Gibran, Wednesday 25 October 2023.

Gibran Tiba-Tiba Bocorkan Program Kampanye, dari Kredit Start Up hingga KIS Lansia

Gibran said, his task is to continue and improve the program. Especially related to the program for young children.

"Our task now is to continue and improve things related to young people."
The translation of the text "kata Gibran" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is "Gibran's words".


Gibran Tiba-Tiba Bocorkan Program Kampanye, dari Kredit Start Up hingga KIS Lansia

Gibran ensures full support for youth programs. Gibran said that Indonesia needs a competent and resilient younger generation.

"Millennial generation. Generation Z. And let's not forget the santri. We will definitely fully support them. We need a capable young generation, a resilient young generation, a young generation that has a commitment to the nation."
The translation of the 'Bahasa' text "tuturnya" to English while preserving any HTML tags is "his/her speech".


Gibran then presented several flagship programs together with presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto. "With Mr. Prabowo's permission, I would like to reveal a number of flagship programs for the eternal funds of Islamic boarding schools," said Gibran. The first program is the eternal funds for Islamic boarding schools. Gibran emphasized that these eternal funds are mandated by the law. "In addition, there is now something called KUR (People's Business Credit) for microcredit, there is also micro waqf, and ultra microcredit. Later on, we will add millennial startup credit," he said. In addition, for innovative and technology-based businesses of millennials, there is already KIS (Smart Indonesia Card), PKH (Family Hope Program). "Later on, I will add KIS for the elderly," said Gibran.

Gibran Tiba-Tiba Bocorkan Program Kampanye, dari Kredit Start Up hingga KIS Lansia

In addition, the next program is related to mother and child. Gibran's wife, Selvi Ananda, went up on stage carrying a signboard for the latest program.

"Healthy child card for stunting prevention. Then, don't forget the downstreaming for mandatory mining, agriculture, and fisheries commodities. And also Green economy and green energy for sustainability."
Gibran's words


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