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Hasto PDIP Ungkap Adanya Permintaan Jokowi 3 Periode, Usulan dari Pak Lurah

"Hasto PDIP Reveals the Existence of Jokowi's 3 Term Request, Proposal from the Village Head"

Hasto PDIP Ungkap Adanya Permintaan Jokowi 3 Periode, Usulan dari Pak Lurah

Dream - Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto confirmed the proposal to extend President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) term to three periods. He mentioned that the proposal came from a figure named Pak Lurah.

"Suddenly news emerged from one of the ministers stating that based on his big data, there are quite a lot of people pushing for an extension of the term or three periods. Prior to that, I met with the minister and confirmed that the attitudes of the general chairpersons of several parties who voiced it were said to be the request of Mr. Headman,""

The text you provided is already in English. If you have any other text that needs to be translated, please let me know.

Hasto PDIP Ungkap Adanya Permintaan Jokowi 3 Periode, Usulan dari Pak Lurah

Hasto admits that he is ready to be accountable to God regarding the truth that President Jokowi's term extension proposal is based on the proposal of other party leaders and also Pak Lurah.

"Various efforts made by various leaders, at that time from the information I received, can be crosschecked, I am politically and legally accountable, and also before God Almighty and the Indonesian people, that it indeed exists,"
"he said."


"Deliver Proposal to Megawati"

According to Hasto, the chairpersons of political parties conveyed the proposal to the Chairperson of PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri. However, the proposal was rejected because it violated the constitution. "Through other parties that later also voiced their opinions to PDIP, but our stance is consistent in placing the constitution as the rule of the game that is very fundamental and must be followed," he concluded.


Statement by Adian Napitupulu

"Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Election Volunteer Coordination Team (TKRPP) PDIP Adian Napitupulu stated that President Jokowi and his family have betrayed PDI Perjuangan in the 2024 Presidential Election. According to Adian, Jokowi's betrayal is caused by a simple matter, namely, PDIP not granting Jokowi's request to extend his presidential term to three periods and add to his term."


"When there is a request for three terms, we reject it. This is a constitutional issue, a national issue, a people's issue that we cannot agree to,".

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "word Adian in his official statement, Wednesday, October 25, 2023."

“Ketika kemudian ada permintaan tiga periode, kita tolak. Ini masalah konstitusi, ini masalah bangsa, ini masalah rakyat, yang harus kita tidak bisa setujui,”

"The request is denied"

According to Adian, PDIP rejected the request because they did not want to betray the constitution. "If someone is angry because we reject the addition of three terms or extensions, it's not because of anything, it's their own business. But it's really to protect the constitution. It's simple," added Adian. Adian regrets Jokowi's rapid change towards PDIP. However, according to him, the party with the white snout has already given everything to Jokowi and his family, starting from being the mayor of Surakarta for two terms, governor of DKI Jakarta, and president twice.

"There is a history like this, in the past someone came asking to become the mayor and got a recommendation, asked for a recommendation, and was given. Asked again for a recommendation, was given again. Then asked to become the governor, asked for a recommendation and was given again. Then asked to become a presidential candidate, asked for a recommendation and was given again. Given for the second time,""



"\u201cThen there is another request to give again for their child. Then there is a request for a son-in-law and it is given again. So many indeed,\u201d"
"sambungnya" in English is "continued."


"Response ProJo"

Regarding the statement, the Volunteer Supporters of President Jokowi (ProJo) denied the news of the strained relationship between Jokowi and PDIP because of Jokowi's request to serve three terms. "The accusation is a drama, the public should be presented with accurate information," said the Head of the Presidential Election Winning Body (Bappilpres) of the Central Board of ProJo, Panel Barus, quoted from his press release, Friday, October 27, 2023.


"President Jokowi never wanted his term of office to be extended. In fact, Jokowi has repeatedly stated his obedience to the constitution, that the maximum term of a president is two consecutive times."


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