Better experience in portrait mode.

"Rumah Anti-Sombong: From the front it looks like a shabby shack, but once you step inside, you'll be amazed."

Dream - Do not judge a book by its cover. Perhaps this term is suitable to describe the appearance of the following house. A viral video shows a house that looks ordinary and simple from the front. However, once you enter deeper inside, it immediately astonishes everyone who sees it and leaves them speechless. The video of a house that looks simple from the front but luxurious inside was uploaded by the Instagram account @dunia_kaumhawa.

This is the appearance of the front of the house that looks very simple. The walls of the house are green painted wooden planks with a zinc and tile roof. The facade walls appear to be made of white-painted bamboo weaving.

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished
Dari jarak dekat, rumah ini berbentuk panggung dengan lantai dari semen.

From a close distance, this house is shaped like a stage with a floor made of cement.

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished

When standing in front of the door, the interior of the simple house can be seen. The house supports are made of wood that appears to be rotten.

The front room of the house also looks like it's inside a hut. Many of the bamboo woven ceilings are loose, revealing the roof.

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished
All walls in the front room of the house are also made of woven bamboo.

All walls in the front room of the house are also made of woven bamboo.

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished

Some house supports appear to have already decayed. The holes are covered with plywood.

However, when sliding the door to enter the next room, a surprising view is displayed. As the door is slid, a room is revealed that is so luxurious with wallpapered walls.

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished
Lantainya juga sudah memakai keramik, dan tampak peralatan elektronik lengkap sebagai hiasan ruangan.

The floor has also been covered with ceramics, and there is a complete set of electronic equipment as room decorations.

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished

In this room, the floor is covered with a carpet and there is a luxurious red sofa chair.

Not far from the sliding door earlier, there is a room that functions as a bedroom. The room is quite spacious with a bed and furniture that looks luxurious.

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished

"Near the stack of electronic equipment, there is another room door."

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished

This is what the kitchen area looks like with a really cool red and white color scheme. This kitchen is equipped with cabinet shelves and a quite artistic floor.

Humble House: From the Front It Looks Like a Shabby Hut, but as You Enter It Will Leave You Astonished

This is a bathroom in a simple house but it is luxurious inside. The bathroom is quite spacious. The walls are fully covered with ceramic tiles. There is a squat toilet, bathtub, and shower in the bathroom.

Kamar Mandi Multifungsi

"Bathroom Multifunction"

This bathroom is also used as a laundry area. It can be seen from the placement of the washing machine inside.

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