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Suami Tak Betah di Rumah dan Malas Lihat Istri Kusut, Ustaz Ungkap Penyebabnya

"Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Wife Messy, Ustaz Reveals the Cause"

Dream - After about 20 minutes of rest while playing social media on his cellphone, Hanafi turned off the AC and his car engine. It felt heavy to step into the house even though it was already Maghrib time.

Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Disheveled Wife, Ustaz Reveals the Surprising Cause
Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Disheveled Wife, Ustaz Reveals the Surprising Cause

I don't know why lately, Hanafi feels uncomfortable being at home. The noisy voices of his seven and three-year-old children actually make him stressed and depressed.

Wife Becomes the Target of Anger

Seeing the living room floor full of scattered toys, Hanafi seemed to get angry. Instead of turning to his children, Hanafi made his wife, Wana, the target of his anger. Hanafi accused his wife of being incompetent in managing the household and raising the children.

Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Disheveled Wife, Ustaz Reveals the Surprising Cause

Wana just stays silent every time she becomes the target of Hanafi's anger, even though her heart is in pain. She continues to think positively, thinking that her husband's emotions might be due to stress from his work.

However, lately Wana has felt a strange change in her husband. Besides frequently coming home late, Hanafi has started to neglect the prayer. Hanafi also prefers to spend time alone reading in the room until falling asleep.

"Refusing to be Invited to Pray in Congregation"

One day, Wana was truly surprised when she invited her husband to pray in congregation but Hanafi refused. "Darling, wake up... I miss praying in congregation," Wana gently woke up her husband. However, Hanafi only responded with a rough snort when his wife woke him up. He felt disturbed in his sleep. "Ohh you... go pray first over there!" Hanafi replied while turning his body towards the wall and continued sleeping.

A few days later, Wana tried to gather the courage to enter the reading room after not seeing her husband all day. Her intention was only to discuss the children's issues and their cold situation.

Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Disheveled Wife, Ustaz Reveals the Surprising Cause

Just as Wana leaned back on the bed, Hanafi's eyes were already glaring sharply. "Abang... can Wana talk a little bit?" Wana asked softly. "Hheemm, just talk," Hanafi replied nonchalantly. "For the past month or two, it feels like you've been very different, Abang. You don't want to play with the kids." "I'm also indifferent, Abang. Are you stressed about work? Or did Wana make a mistake?" Wana just wants her husband to be like before," she said as tears started to flow down her cheeks.

Hanafi only glanced at Wana with the corner of his eye. Hanafi's attention was more focused on his cellphone screen. "There's nothing! It's just you who has a lot of thoughts. Yes, I'm just tired now, I have a lot of work," Hanafi replied in a slightly raised tone of voice.

Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Disheveled Wife, Ustaz Reveals the Surprising Cause

"I am already sleepy, tomorrow I have to wake up early because I have work out of town in Perlis for three days.""
Hanafi said, then got up and headed to the bathroom, signaling his wife not to talk to him again.


In short, Hanafi went to Perlis with Rashid. When they entered the border of Kedah, Rashid intended to pray Zuhur in the mosque before having lunch. Hanafi just followed from behind. But as soon as he stepped on the mosque stairs, Hanafi felt his feet suddenly heavy. Sweat the size of corn kernels began to flood his forehead and back. Hanafi canceled his intention to pray and put his shoes back on. Rashid, who was already on the mosque terrace, thought Hanafi wanted to go to the bathroom before praying.

After finishing their business at the mosque, they continued their journey until it was time to return to Kuala Lumpur. During the journey, Rashid talked about Hanafi's change in behavior, which had been seen as strange lately. "Hanafi, I see that you're acting a bit strange, like you're not focused. Or is it just my feeling? If you want to talk, I'm ready to listen," said Rashid. Hanafi just stared blankly at Rashid before starting the story from the beginning, explaining the changes in himself as felt by his wife.

Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Disheveled Wife, Ustaz Reveals the Surprising Cause

"After hearing Hanafi's story, Rashid suggested his friend to seek treatment. Coincidentally, in Rashid's village, there is Haji Usman who is known to be able to cure unseen things."

"Allegedly Received a Separation Spell for Household"

They arrived at Haji Usman's house around 4 in the afternoon. After some small talk, Rashid finally spoke up and stated their purpose. Hanafi then told the story of his household as previously told to Rashid. After hearing Hanafi's story, Haji Usman concluded that the man's household was being affected by black magic.

The victim is always 'hot'.

The victim is always 'hot'.

"From what you tell me, there is a possibility of magical disturbance... separation magic. The person affected is always 'hot' with their partner," said Haji Usman.

Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Disheveled Wife, Ustaz Reveals the Surprising Cause

Haji Usman said, the separating magic is very easy to send in this era. Just with a photo of the victim is enough. If there is no photo, it can be taken from the victim's social media. "Reduce being active on social media. Not only wasting time, but it can also invite bad things."

Listening to Haji Usman's words, Hanafi was startled. He remembered that his wife was also active on social media. "My wife often uploads family vacation photos. She also once told me about an old friend who likes to tease." But his wife did not respond. She did not reply angrily," said Hanafi.

Haji Usman then wrote down several prayers that need to be practiced to remove the separating magic. Haji Usman also advised Hanafi not to abandon prayers no matter how busy he is.

Husband Unhappy at Home and Reluctant to See Disheveled Wife, Ustaz Reveals the Surprising Cause
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