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"Wise Islamic Words that Soothe the Heart and are Meaningful, Calm the Mind and Bring Peace to the Heart"

Words of Islamic wisdom that soothe the heart become a reminder to return to the path of Allah.

Islamic Wise Words That Soothe the Heart and Full of Meaning, Calm the Mind and Pacify the Heart

Dream - Wise Islamic words that soothe the heart become motivation and calmness for a Muslim who is experiencing sadness. The mind and heart will be at peace if always attached to Allah at all times.

Not only worshiping, there are still many other ways that can be done to remember Allah. One of them is by reading wise Islamic words that soothe the heart.

Islamic Wise Words That Soothe the Heart and Full of Meaning, Calm the Mind and Pacify the Heart
The following are wise Islamic words that soothe the heart and calm the mind:

The following are wise Islamic words that soothe the heart and calm the mind:

"Whoever does not appreciate the little, will not be able to appreciate the much." (HR. Ahmad) "Those who are deeply hurt are caused by being too far away from the love of Allah and His Messenger." "Injustice will continue to exist, not because of the many wicked people, but because of the silence of the good people." (Ali bin Abi Thalib) "Let them act foolishly and insult, and let us continue to be polite. Agarwood will become more fragrant when ignited." (Imam Syafi'i) "The greatest truth is honesty, and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty." (Abu Bakar As-Shidiq)

Islamic Wise Words That Soothe the Heart and Full of Meaning, Calm the Mind and Pacify the Heart

"Patience is when the heart does not feel angry towards what has been ordained and the mouth does not complain." (Ibn Qayyim)

"Wise Islamic Words Full of Meaning"

"Be wary of yourself. Every human being has desires, and if you fulfill those desires, you will constantly be in error." (Abu Bakar As-Shidiq) "And when We bestow favor upon man, he turns away and distances himself arrogantly. But when evil touches him, he is full of extensive supplication." (QS Al-Fussilat:51) "The person who faces the heaviest trials is the prophet, then those below his rank, and so on." (HR. Tirmidzi)

"There is no benefit from money if it is not spent in the way of Allah SWT. There is no goodness in a person if their foolishness overcomes their patience." (Abu Bakar As-Shidiq)"The words of an honest friend are worth more than inherited wealth." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)"But indeed, the patient and forgiving are among the best of people." (QS. Asy-Syuura: 43)"A shy and humble man is a remarkable character, but a shy and humble woman is even more remarkable." (Abu Bakar As-Shidiq)"

"The only reason for our presence in this world is to bear witness to the oneness of Allah." (Buya Hamka) "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." (QS. Ar Rad: 11) "We do not see anything more beneficial for healing everything than patience." (Hasan Al-Bashri) "Avoid envy, for envy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes firewood." (Prophet Muhammad SAW)

Islamic Wise Words That Soothe the Heart and Full of Meaning, Calm the Mind and Pacify the Heart

"Love your lover only casually, who knows they may become your enemy. And hate your enemy only casually, who knows they may become your lover." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

"To get what you like, first you have to be patient with what you hate." (Imam Al Ghazali)"The person with the highest position is the one who does not see his own position, and the person with the most advantages is the one who does not see his own advantages." (Imam Syafi'i)"The intelligent person is the one who likes to receive and ask for advice." (Umar bin Khattab)"If you are able to be patient for a moment when you are angry, then it can save you from thousands of regrets in the future." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

"The best among you are those with the noblest character." (Ali bin Abi Thalib) "And know that victory comes with patience. A way out comes with difficulty. And after hardship, there will surely be ease." (HR. Tirmidzi) "When life's journey feels boring, Allah commands us to be grateful." "Fear committing sins when you're alone, for in this moment your witness is also your judge." (Ali bin Abi Thalib) "It is not difficulty that makes us afraid, but fear that makes things difficult." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

""If you are able to be patient for a while when you are angry, then it can save you from thousands of regrets in the future." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)"

"To go through hardships to alleviate the suffering of others is the true essence of generosity." (Abu Bakar As-Shidiq)"Being patient for a moment when angry will save us from thousands of regrets." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)"Before kicking, you need to realize that you will stand on one leg." (Achmad Mustofa Bisri)"Do not hate anyone, no matter how much they have wronged you." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)"Those who hope for paradise must learn to do good to fellow human beings." (Abu Bakar As-Shidiq)"

"Better to remain silent until you are asked to speak, rather than continuing to speak until you are asked to be silent." (Ali bin Abi Thalib) "The most dangerous sin is the sin that is underestimated by its perpetrator." (Ali bin Abi Thalib) "Your true self is what you do when no one is watching." (Ali bin Abi Thalib) "The more knowledge you have, the greater your fear of Allah SWT." (Abu Bakar As-Shidiq) "Do not say words that you yourself do not like to hear if others say them to you." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

"There is no eternal hardship, no everlasting joy, no long-lasting poverty, no sustainable prosperity." (Imam Shafi'i)

"Knowledge cannot be attained except with perseverance." (Imam Shafi'i)"Increase mentioning Allah rather than mentioning creatures. Increase mentioning the hereafter rather than mentioning the world." (Imam Shafi'i)"My sins seem too great for me, but after I compared them to Your forgiveness, it turns out that Your forgiveness is much greater." (Imam Shafi'i)

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