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Knowing the Rum Nation, Allies who eventually became the Betrayers of the Muslim Community in the End Times.

Knowing the Rum Nation, Allies who eventually became the Betrayers of the Muslim Community in the End Times.

Dream - Who are the Rum people? They are referred to as a group that will betray the Muslim community during a major conflict at the end of time, known as Al-Malhamah Al-Kubra. However, does the Roman nation in this context actually refer to Russia and Europe? Read the full explanation below!

Knowing the Roman Nation, Allies who Eventually Become Traitors to the Muslim Community in the End Times

"Betrayal of the Roman Nation"

Before the emergence of Dajjal in the end times, the Roman people became one of the groups with the largest population in the world. The Muslim community lived peacefully alongside them.


However, unfortunately, the Roman nation eventually betrayed the Islamic community by launching a massive attack with 960,000 troops, triggering a major war between the Islamic community and the Roman nation. This epic battle took place in the region of Sham, which includes Syria, Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon before the emergence of the Dajjal. As for the defensive fortification of the Islamic community, it is located in Guthah, Damascus. Of course, only Allah knows the magnitude of this conflict.

"Hadith on the Great War of the End Times"

A fierce war between the Muslim community and the Roman nation will occur at the end of time, as stated in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

"First Hadith"

From Jabir bin Samurah from Nafi' bin 'Utbah, he said, "We were with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and we memorized four things from him that I counted with my hand. He (peace be upon him) said, 'You (Muslims) will fight against the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will conquer it, then Persia and Allah will conquer it. Then you will fight against the Romans and Allah will conquer them, then you will fight against the Dajjal (Antichrist) and Allah will conquer him.' Jabir said, then Nafi' said, 'O Jabir, we will not see the Dajjal until the Romans are conquered.' (Sahih Muslim)"

"Second Hadith"

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Remember the signs before the coming of the Day of Judgment (he mentioned, among them): ...Then there will be peace between you and the Romans (Bani Ashfar), but they will betray you. They will come to you with 80 war banners, and for each banner there will be 12,000 soldiers." (HR. Bukhari)


"Victory of the Islamic Community"

In the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, it is mentioned that the Muslims will achieve victory in a great war in the end of times. However, news about this war should certainly be cautious because at that time the number of Roman nations at war is very large. This war will last for four days, but the number of lives lost from both sides is very high.

Knowing the Roman Nation, Allies who Eventually Become Traitors to the Muslim Community in the End Times

During wartime, it is depicted that no bird crosses the battlefield without encountering a corpse. Allah grants victory to the Muslim community. However, due to many Muslims dying as martyrs, the spoils of war become useless.

"Conquering Constantinople"

After defeating the Roman Empire, the Muslim forces were then directed by Allah to conquer Constantinople. Allah SWT also granted victory to the Muslim community in this second war. Well, after the conquest of Constantinople, Dajjal appeared bringing a terrifying turmoil.


"Getting to Know the Roman Nation"

Then who is actually the Roman nation that betrays the Islamic community in this modern era? The Romans are known as the superpower of the world in their time. Historical civilizations certainly mention the Roman nation as a great empire that left behind many civilizations, knowledge, and legacies that became a world heritage. So it is not surprising that Allah narrates this nation in the Quran with the name Surah Ar-Rum, the 30th surah consisting of 60 verses.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Muslims Defeat Great Powers"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned in his hadith that the Muslim community will defeat the mighty power of the Roman nation. In Surah Ar-Rum, verse 1, it is mentioned, "The Romans have been defeated." This verse is actually a message from Allah regarding the upcoming event. The Roman nation in the East will initially be defeated by the Persian nation who follow the religion of Zoroastrianism. Then, the Roman nation will retaliate by defeating the Persian nation."

The Roman nation in the first verse of Surah Ar-Rum refers to the Eastern Roman Empire, whose center of government was in Constantinople, not the Western Roman Empire, whose center was in Rome. The Western Roman Empire had long since collapsed, precisely in the year 476 AD.

Knowing the Roman Nation, Allies who Eventually Become Traitors to the Muslim Community in the End Times
Knowing the Roman Nation, Allies who Eventually Become Traitors to the Muslim Community in the End Times

The majority of the Roman people adhere to the Christian religion (People of the Book). In Hadith, they are referred to as "Bani Ashfar" as explained in the book Fathul Baari by Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani. Many scholars provide different interpretations regarding the Roman people mentioned in the Hadith.

Who is the current Roman nation?

The question arises, is the Roman nation referred to the current Europeans? Or the native inhabitants of Rome, Italy, or perhaps the Russian or even Chinese (Yellow race)? According to the views of Sheikh Imran Hosein, a Muslim scholar from Trinidad and Tobago, when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated, "The Islamic community will ally (make peace) with Rome," he believes that this refers to cooperation with Russia.


"Kebangkitan Bangsa Romawi" translates to "The Rise of the Roman Nation" in English.

Quoting the book "The Roman Nation and the End of Time War" by Manshur Abdul Hakim (2017), the Roman nation managed to restore its power and emerged with various different names. They can be found throughout Europe, including Russia which religiously represents the Eastern Orthodox Roman. They inherited the religious traditions of the classic Eastern church. In terms of ethnicity, the Roman nation encompasses all countries in Eastern Europe.

Imperium Rusia

The text in English while preserving the HTML tags is: "The word "Russia" or "Russiya" comes from the term "Rus," which refers to the East Scandinavian people. The history of Russia began with the arrival of the Varangians from Scandinavia. In the Middle Ages, the majority of the Russian population originated from Eastern Slavs. The Kyev Rus Kingdom was established by the Varangians in the 9th century. In the year 988, the Kyev Kingdom adopted Orthodox Christianity as the official state religion, influenced by Byzantium (Eastern Roman Empire)."

Knowing the Roman Nation, Allies who Eventually Become Traitors to the Muslim Community in the End Times

As time goes by, the Moscow region has undergone expansion through various battles, resulting in the birth of the Russian Empire, which includes Eastern Europe and most of Northern Asia.

Descendants of Esau son of Isaac son of Abraham

Quoting from the book entitled "The Roman Nation and the End Times War" by Manshur Abdul Hakim, the Roman nation is alleged to be the descendants of Esau son of Ishaq son of Ibrahim 'alahissalam. By the Arab community, Esau is known as Al-Aish. He is mentioned as the father of the Roman nation. Meanwhile, Prophet Yakub, Esau's paternal half-brother, is believed to be the ancestor of the Israelites.


According to the Jewish people, the descendants of Esau (Al-Aish) lived in the region of Mount Seir as described in the Torah. During the era of Arab Jahiliyah, many Romans lived in Constantinople (Istanbul), which is now part of Turkey. However, when Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih conquered Constantinople, most of the Roman people migrated, causing significant changes in the demographic and ethnic composition of the Turkish nation.

"Nation that is Already Dispersed"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Roman nation, which in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is referred to as Bani Al-Ashfar, has scattered and migrated to various countries such as Greece, the Balkans, the Caucasus, and some of them have survived in Turkey. Some historians claim that the Roman emperors are descended from Esau's lineage (Al-Aish). According to Imam Ath-Thabari, "In principle, the Romans and the Persians are descended from Rehuel bin Basmat (Basmah)." "

Not Remus's Descendant

There is also another opinion that connects Rome with Remus, the founder of the city of Rome. Although there is a belief that the statement of the Prophet to Al-Harr bin Qais, "Are you ready to fight against the Bani Ashfar this year," related to the Battle of Tabuk, indicates that the Romans originated from the Bani Ashfar and they are descendants of Esau as mentioned. However, this opinion is considered weak.

Knowing the Roman Nation, Allies who Eventually Become Traitors to the Muslim Community in the End Times

The true saying of the Prophet Muhammad is that the Roman nation is not descended from Remus. Because the attack of the Prophet Muhammad in the Tabuk war was directed towards the Sharah Mountains, which are located between Tabuk and Palestine.

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