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"Omongan Sulit Dipegang, Cewek Ini Screenshot Semua Janji Manis Cowoknya Lalu Dicetak" translates to "Words are hard to hold onto, this girl screenshots all the sweet promises from her boyfriend and then prints them."

Dream - When dating, guys will make more promises to their girlfriends. Not only promises of love and marriage, but all kinds of sweet things that can melt their girlfriend's heart.

Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint
Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint

"Unfortunately, not all promises that are spoken during dating can be kept after the feelings of love start to fade. In the end, promises are just promises. The love relationship eventually falls apart because they are no longer on the same page."

Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint

Usually, girls who become victims of sweet promises can only surrender and forget them, without being able to retaliate against their boyfriends. But it's different with this one girl who has a boyfriend but her words cannot be trusted.

Through the Instagram account @kodereels, he shared a screenshot video of a WhatsApp chat printed on paper. In the video, he showed several sheets of paper placed in a yellow folder.

Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint

Capture WhatsApp Chat with His/Her Lover

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The stack of papers appears to contain WhatsApp chat screenshots between herself and her boyfriend. The WhatsApp chat was intentionally printed in color to make the images and text visible. Upon observation, it turns out that the girl printed out the WhatsApp chat of sweet promises made by her boyfriend."

Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint

Apparently, the boyfriend likes to spread sweet promises through WhatsApp chat to the girl.

Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint
Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint

"Unfortunately, all the promises that were spoken were never fulfilled, the girl felt annoyed. She decided to print out all the sweet promises from her boyfriend, requiring many sheets of paper."

Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint

From the video description, it was revealed that the girl has broken up with the guy who likes to make false promises. "Your promises are left behind, huh. Do you want me to deliver them or should we meet in the middle for COD?" the girl said, sarcastically mocking her ex-boyfriend.

It turns out that it's not just empty promises that are printed, cheesy pick-up lines and compliments are also printed by that girl. The purpose is to mock her boyfriend who can only make promises but cannot fulfill them.

Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint

"Cover Map with Cutting Remarks"

At the end of the video, the girl wrote on the yellow folder cover with a very provocative statement. "Her words can't be held, they can only be screenshot and printed," she said.

Cara Brutal Cewek Balas Pacar yang Omongannya Tak Bisa Dipegang: Screenshot Chat Janji Manis Cowoknya di WA Lalu Diprint
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