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Living in Water, Do Fish Still Need to Drink?

Living in Water, Do Fish Still Need to Drink?

"Ikan, baik yang berada di perairan tawar maupun asin, rupanya memiliki kebutuhan untuk minum agar tetap bertahan hidup. Menariknya, keduanya memiliki metode 'minum' air yang unik dan berbeda. Inilah penjelasan selengkapnya." Translation: "Fish, whether they are in freshwater or saltwater, apparently have a need to drink in order to survive. Interestingly, both have unique and different methods of 'drinking' water. Here is a more detailed explanation."

The text "" does not require translation as it is a domain name and remains the same in English. If you need any further assistance or context regarding this text, please let me know!

<b>Ikan Air Tawar</b><br>

The translation of "Ikan Air Tawar" to English is "Freshwater Fish".

"Before discussing how freshwater fish consume water, let’s understand a little about the chemistry related to the flow of water. In addition to moving from high to low due to gravity, water also tends to flow from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration."

"An example of this phenomenon can be observed when water moves from an area with a high salt concentration to an area with a lower salt concentration. This movement of water, caused by differences in concentration, is known as diffusion."

Living in Water, Do Fish Still Need to Drink?

The bodies of freshwater fish have a higher or lower concentration of salt compared to the surrounding water.

To avoid experiencing obesity issues due to excessive water consumption while eating, freshwater fish tend to urinate frequently. In addition, the skin of freshwater fish is equipped with a layer of chloride cells that have salty properties, which function to regulate the balance of water in the body and prevent excessive absorption.

The translation of

The translation of "Ikan Air Asin" to English is "Saltwater Fish".

"Unlike freshwater fish, fish that live in a saltwater environment have a lower concentration of water in their bodies compared to the surrounding seawater. As a result, the water in the fish's body tends to be absorbed out."

"To avoid dehydration, marine fish actively drink water in large quantities. Without this action, the fish would suffer death due to fluid deficiency. However, ironically, the seawater consumed by the fish also contains salt."

To address this issue, fish are equipped with kidneys and gills that play a role in filtering salt from seawater, allowing fish to consume that water without risk. In addition, a layer of chloride cells in the fish's body is responsible for excreting excess salt, maintaining internal balance.

Living in Water, Do Fish Still Need to Drink?

"To survive, the bodies of both freshwater and saltwater fish seek a balance of water concentration within their bodies."

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