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Doa Mahalul Qiyam dan Keutamaannya yang Bisa Mendatangkan Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam Doa

"Prayer of Mahalul Qiyam and Its Virtue that Can Bring Prophet Muhammad SAW in Prayer"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows:

Prayer of Mahalul Qiyam contains praises dedicated to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Dream - Mahalul qiyam prayer is one of the very special prayers for Muslims. Usually, this prayer is recited when people stand as a good moral to honor Prophet Muhammad. In the mahalul qiyam prayer, there are praises dedicated to Prophet Muhammad. This prayer is generally recited together in religious events, such as the celebration of Prophet Muhammad's birthday and gatherings led by a scholar.

Well, here is the reading of the prayer of mahalul qiyam commonly recited by Muslims as summarized by Dream through various sources.

The Prayer of Mahalul Qiyam and Its Virtues that Can Bring the Prophet Muhammad SAW into Prayer

"The Origin of Mahalul Qiyam"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Sholawat Nabi Mahalul Qiyam originates from the spiritual event experienced by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during his journey of Isra' and Mi'raj."

In the hadith, it is mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad performed a spiritual journey to the seventh heaven, where he was given extraordinary honor by the angels and creatures created by Allah. One form of this honor is being commanded to recite the Mahalul Qiyam prayers. Reciting the Mahalul Qiyam prayers for the Prophet is deeply meaningful, as it is an expression of honor, love, and gratitude to the Prophet Muhammad.

In addition, reciting this sholawat also has spiritual benefits, including as a means to draw closer to Allah, strengthen the spiritual bond with the Prophet Muhammad, and bring blessings and prosperity. Thus, the sholawat of Prophet Mahalul Qiyam strengthens the spiritual bond between humans and the Prophet Muhammad, reminding us of his greatness, and serving as a means to obtain blessings in this life and the hereafter.

What is the meaning of "Mahalul Qiyam"?

Mahalul Qiyam is a term that has a profound meaning in the lyrics of sholawat and prayers of Muslims.

Apa Makna dari Mahalul Qiyam?

This term refers to Prophet Muhammad saw, who is highly respected and loved by Muslims as an exemplary role model in everyday life. Mahalul Qiyam can also be interpreted as a place of high status, indicating the virtues and greatness of Prophet Muhammad saw. In the lyrics of sholawat and prayers, Mahalul Qiyam is used to praise the virtues of Prophet Muhammad saw, seek his intercession, and ask for protection and guidance from him.

Understanding the meaning of Mahalul Qiyam gives Muslim people a deeper understanding of the greatness and virtues of Prophet Muhammad SAW. This can also provide benefits in everyday life. Reminding Muslim people of the exemplary example that should be followed in carrying out all actions and strengthening the feelings of love and respect for Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Therefore, Mahalul Qiyam has great relevance in the lives of Muslims and encourages them to always follow in the footsteps and approach the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Menghadirkan Nabi Muhammad dalam Doa Mahalul Qiyam

"Bringing Prophet Muhammad in the Prayer of Mahalul Qiyam"

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Mahallul-qiyam is the standing position during the recitation of blessings and prayers to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)."

This plays a very important role in Islam because it is a form of respect and joy for the presence of the Prophet. By standing and sending blessings to the Prophet, Muslims express their admiration and appreciation for his teachings and guidance. In the tradition of pesantren residents, the practice of mahallul-qiyam is highly respected as a way to actively involve the soul and body in expressing love and respect for the Prophet.

Especially the concept of tawassul (seeking intercession through the Prophet) is also emphasized in this tradition, so the recitation of blessings becomes more urgent. It is important to seek knowledge about the guidance and urgency of mahallul-qiyam in reciting blessings in order to perform this worship correctly. Understanding the importance of this practice can lead to a deeper relationship with the Prophet and a more sincere expression of love and respect towards him.

"Why does Mahalul Qiyam stand up?"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The process of standing during mahallul qiyam is a tradition performed by Muslims as a form of respect to the Prophet Muhammad (saw)."

Kenapa saat Mahalul Qiyam Berdiri?

This tradition is based on the concept of istihsan (good assumption), which is one of the principles in Islamic law. When hearing the name or presence of Prophet Muhammad mentioned, Muslims will stand as a form of respect. This is also based on the tradition that has been practiced by prominent scholars in Islamic history. Mahalul Qiyam itself is considered a sacred place in the life of the Prophet Muhammad.

Standing during mahallul qiyam is also one form of obedience and love of the Islamic community towards the Prophet. It is also a symbol of respect for his exemplary behavior and leadership in conveying the teachings of Islam to mankind. By standing during mahallul qiyam, the Islamic community shows respect and love for the Prophet Muhammad, so this tradition is preserved and practiced as part of the culture and etiquette in the lives of Muslims.

The translation of the given Bahasa text to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows:

The translation of the given Bahasa text to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The Virtues of Reciting the Prayer Sholawat Mahalul Qiyam"

Sholawat Mahalul Qiyam is one of the recitations of sholawat that holds its own virtues for Muslims, especially the Nahdliyyin community.

This Sholawat has a background based on hadiths that mention great rewards for those who recite Sholawat. In the hadith narrated by Imam Al-Barzanji, it is mentioned that reciting Sholawat Mahalul Qiyam is equivalent to the worship of qiyamulail (tahajud) for a thousand months. The virtue of reciting Sholawat Mahalul Qiyam is also related to the blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT.

By regularly reading this sholawat, it is hoped that Muslims can draw closer to Allah and receive blessings in their lives. For Nahdliyyin citizens, Sholawat Mahalul Qiyam is an important part of their religious life. They believe that by reciting this sholawat, they can receive protection, blessings, and bring goodness into their lives.

"Reading of the Mahalul Qiyam Prayer"

The following is the reading of the prayer of Mahalul Qiyam that friends of Dream can practice:

\ufef3\u064e\ufe8e \ufee7\u064e\ufe92\u0650\ufef2 \u0633\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\ufee1\u0652 \ufecb\u064e\ufee0\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufeda\u064e - \ufef3\u064e\ufe8e \ufead\u064e\ufeb3\u064f\ufeee\ufedd\u0652 \u0633\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\ufee1\u0652 \ufecb\u064e\ufee0\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufeda\u064eYaa nabii salaam 'alaika, Yaa Rasuul salaam 'alaikaArtinya: "O Prophet, peace be upon you, O Messenger, peace be upon you."\ufef3\u064e\ufe8e \ufea3\u064e\ufe92\u0650\ufef4\ufe90\u0652 \u0633\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0627\ufee1\u0652 \ufecb\u064e\ufee0\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufeda\u064e - \ufebb\u064e\ufee0\u064e\ufeee\u064e\ufe8d\ufe95\u064f \ufe8d\ufedf\ufee0\u0651\u064e\ufeea \ufecb\u064e\ufee0\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufeda\u064eYaa habiib salaam 'alaika, sholawaatullaah 'alaikaArtinya: "O beloved, peace be upon you, and may the blessings of Allah be upon you."\ufe83\u064e\ufeb7\ufeae\u064e\ufed5\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\ufe92\u064e\ufeaa\u0652\ufead\u064f \ufecb\u064e\ufee0\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufee8\u064e\ufe8e - \ufed3\u064e\ufe8e\ufea7\u0652\ufe98\u064e\ufed4\u064e\ufe96\u0652 \ufee3\u0650\ufee8\u0652\ufeea\u064f \ufe8d\ufedf\ufe92\u064f\ufeaa\u064f\ufeed\u0652\ufead\u064fAsyroqol badruu'alainaa, fakhtafat minhul buduuruArtinya: "The full moon has risen upon us, the other full moons have disappeared."

ﺃﹾﻶﺎ حﹿ﹒ﻟﺎ ﺃ﹎ﺃﻳﻸﺎ - ﻗﻂﹱﻳﺎ ﻳﺎ ﻭﻹﻪﺍﻴﻵﻭﻸﻟﻄﺮﻵﻳﻹMitsla husnik maa ro-ainaa, qotthu yaa wajhas-suruuriArtinya: "Belum pernah aku lihat keelokan sepertimu wahai orang yang berwajah riang."ﺃﹾﺖﺷﻴﺲﺃﹾﺖﺑﺪﺭﺃﹾﺖﻧﻮﻓﻧﻮﻕﻧﻮﻝAnta syamsun anta badrun, anta nuurun fauqo nuurinArtinya: "Engkau bagai matahari, engkau bagai bulan purnama, engkau cahaya di atas cahaya."ﺃﹾﺖﺇﮐﺴﻴﺮﻭﻏﺎﻟﻲ - ﺃﹾﺖﻣﺼﺒﺎﺡﻟﻼﻟﻄﺪﻵﻳﻹAnta iksiirun wa ghaalii, anta mishbaahush-shuduuriArtinya: "Engkau bagaikan emas murni yang mahal harganya, Engkaulah pelita hati."

"\ufef3\u064e\ufe8e \ufea3\u064e\ufe92\u0650\ufef4\u0652\ufe92\u0650\ufbfd \ufef3\u064e\ufe8e \ufee3\u064f\ufea4\u064e\ufee4\u0651\u064e\ufeaa - \ufef3\u064e\ufe8e\ufecb\u064e\ufeae\u064f\ufeed\u0652\ufeb1\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\ufea8\u064e\ufe8e\ufed3\u0650\ufed8\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufee6\u0650Yaa habiibi yaa Muhammad, yaa 'aruusal-khoofiqoiiniArtinya: "O my beloved, O Muhammad, O the bridegroom of the East and West (the whole world)."\ufef3\u064e\ufe8e \ufee3\u064f\ufe86\u064e\ufef3\u0651\u064e\ufeaa\u0652 \ufef3\u064e\ufe8e\ufee3\u064f\ufee4\u064e\ufea0\u0651\u064e\ufeaa\u0652 - \ufef3\u064e\ufe8e \ufe87\u0650\ufee3\u064e\ufe8e\ufee1\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\ufed8\u0650\ufe92\u0652\ufee0\u064e\ufe98\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufee6\u0650Yaa mu-ayyad yaa mumajjad, yaa imaamal qiblatainiArtinya: "O Prophet who is strengthened (by revelation), O Prophet who is glorified, O imam of the two directions of prayer."\ufee3\u064e\ufee6\u0652 \ufead\u064e\ufe83\u064e\ufbfc \ufeed\u064e\ufe9f\u0652\ufeec\u064e\ufeda\u064e \ufef3\u064e\ufeb4\u0652\ufecc\u064e\ufeaa\u0652 - \ufef3\u064e\ufe8e\ufb94\ufeae\u0650\ufef3\u0652\ufee2\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\ufeee\u064e\ufe8d\ufedf\u0650\ufeaa\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufee6\u0650Man ro-aa wajhaka yas'ad, yaa kariimal waalidaini" Translation: "O my beloved, O Muhammad, O the bridegroom of the East and West (the whole world)." "O Prophet who is strengthened (by revelation), O Prophet who is glorified, O imam of the two directions of prayer." "Whoever sees your face is delighted, O noble one of parents."

Translated text: Meaning: "Whoever sees your face will surely be happy, O noble person of both parents." "Your face is clear and cool, which we will come to on the Day of Judgment." Meaning: "No white camel with black markings has ever walked at night except for the camel that comes to you."

"\ufeed\u064e\ufe8d\ufedf\ufed0\u064e\ufee4\u064e\ufe8e\ufee3\u064e\ufeea \ufed7\u064e\ufeaa\u0652 \ufe83\u064e\ufec7\u064e\ufee0\u0651\u064e\ufe96\u0652 - \ufeed\u064e\ufe8d\ufedf\ufee4\u064e\ufefc\u064e \ufebb\u064e\ufee0\u0651\u064f\ufeee\ufe8d \ufecb\u064e\ufee0\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufeda\u064eWal ghomaamah qod adhollat, wal malaa sholluu 'alaikaArtinya: "Awan tebal memayungimu, seluruh tingkat golongan manusia mengucapkan sholawat kepadamu." "\ufeed\u064e\ufe83\u064e\ufe97\u064e\ufe8e\ufed9\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\ufecc\u064f\ufeee\ufea9\u064f \ufef3\u064e\ufe92\u0652\ufb91\u0650\ufef2 - \ufeed\u064e\ufe97\u064e\ufeac\u064e\ufedf\u0651\u064e\ufede\u0652 \ufe91\u064e\ufef4\u0652\ufee6\u064e \ufef3\u064e\ufeaa\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufeda\u064eWa ataakal 'uudu yabkii, wa tadzallal baina yadaikaArtinya: "Pohon-pohon datang kepadamu menangis bersimpuh merasa hina di hadapanmu." "\u064e\ufe8d\ufeb3\u0652\ufe98\u064e\ufea0\u064e\ufe8e\ufead\u064e\ufe95\u0652 \ufef3\u064e\ufe8e\ufea3\u064e\ufe92\u0650\ufef4\u0652\ufe92\u0650\ufef2 - \ufecb\u0650\ufee8\u0652\ufeaa\u064e\ufed9\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\ufec8\u0651\u064e\ufe92\u0652\ufef2\u064f \ufe8d\ufedf\ufee8\u0651\u064f\ufed4\u064f\ufeee\u0652\ufead\u064fWastajaarot yaa habiibii, 'indakadh-dhobyun-nufuuru"

It means: "The meaning: 'The agile deer comes seeking safety unto you, O beloved.' - 'When a group packs and calls for departure.' 'I came to them with tears flowing, saying wait for me, O leader of the group.'"

وَتَحَمَّلْ لِي رُسَائِلَ، أَيُّهَا الشَّوْقُ الْجَازِيْلُ Artinya: "Bawakan aku surat yang berisikan kerinduan yang mendalam."
نَحْوَ هَاتِكَ الْمَنَازِلِ، فِي الْعَشِيِّ وَالْبُكُورِ Artinya: "Membawakan ke tempat yang jauh ketika petang dan paginya."
فَبَعْدَ ذَلِكَ اِلْتَقَيْنَا فِي الْبَيْتِ الْجَبِيْنِ Artinya: "Setelah itu kita bertemu di rumah yang indah."

Meaning: "Everyone in this universe is confused (because they miss you) to you, oh person whose forehead shines."\u064e\ufedf\u064e\ufeec\u064f\ufee2\u0652 \ufed3\u0650\ufef4\u0652\ufeda\u064e \ufecf\u064e\ufeae\u064e\ufe8d\ufee1\u064f - \ufeed\u064e\ufe8d\ufeb7\u0652\ufe98\u0650\ufef4\u064e\ufe8e\ufed5\u064f \ufeed\u064e\ufea3\u064e\ufee8\u0650\ufef4\u0652\ufee6\u064fWa lahum f\u00eeka ghoraamun, wasytiyaaqun wa haniinuMeaning: "They are fascinated, infatuated, and restless with you about your qualities."\ufed3\u0650\ufef2 \ufee3\u064e\ufecc\u064e\ufe8e\ufee7\u0650\ufef4\u0652\ufeda\u064e \ufe8d\ufef7\u064e\ufee7\u064e\ufe8e\ufee1\u064f - \ufed7\u064e\ufeaa\u0652 \ufe97\u064e\ufe92\u064e\ufeaa\u0651\u064e\ufe95\u0652 \ufea3\ufe82\ufe8b\u0650\ufeae\u0650\ufef3\u0652\ufee6\u064eFii ma'aan\u00eekal anaamu, qod tabaddat haa-iriinaMeaning: "Creatures have different opinions and are confused (unable to describe perfectly)."

وَصَلَاةُ اللَّهِ تَغْشَى - عَدَّ تَحْرِيرِ السُّطُورِ Wa sholaatullaahi taghsyaa 'adda tahriiris-suthuuri Meaning: "And may Allah's blessings be poured out." أَحْمَدَ الْهَادِي مُحَمَّدًا - صَاحِبَ الْوَجْهِ الْمُنِيرِ Ahmadal haadii Muhammad shoohibal wajhil muniir Meaning: "To Ahmad, the guide, namely Prophet Muhammad, the owner of the shining face." إِنَّتَ لِلرُّسُلِ خَتَامٌ - إِنَّتَ لِلْمَوْلَى شَكُورٌ Anta lirrusuli khitaamu anta lil maulaa syakuur Meaning: "You are the seal of the Prophets, you are the gratitude of the servants."

Padamu aku bersangka baik, wahai pemberi kabar gembira, wahai pemberi peringatan. tolonglah aku dan selamatkanlah aku, wahai yang mengeluarkan dari kesulitan.

Translated text: "Meaning: "So please help me, save me, O savior from the hellfire." يَا غَيَاثِي يَا مَلَاذِي - فِي مُهِمَّاتِ الْأُمُورِ Meaning: "O helper, O protector in critical matters." سَعِدَ عَبْدٌ قَدْ تَمَّلَّى - وَانْجَلَى عَنْهُ الْحَزِينُ Meaning: "The servant feels happy, sadness disappears from him." فِيكَ يَا بَدْرٌ تَجَلَّى - فَلَكَ الْوَصْفُ الْحَسِينُ"

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: Meaning: "To you the full moon is visible, to you there is a beautiful nature." لَيْسَ أَزْكَى مِنْكَ أَصْلًا - قَطُ يَا جَدَّ الْحُسَيْنِ Meaning: "There is nothing purer than you, O grandfather of Hasan and Husain." فَعَلَيْكَ اللَّهُ صَلَّى - دَائِمًا طَوْلَ الدَّهْوَرِ Meaning: "May Allah send blessings upon you always and forever." يَا وَلِيَّ الْحَسَنَاتِ - يَا رَفِيعَ الدَّرَجَاتِ Meaning: "O guardian of good deeds, O exalter of ranks"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: Meaning: "O Allah, the ruler of goodness, O Allah, the Most High in position. Turn away from me sins, and forgive my wrongdoings." Kaffir 'anniyadz dzunuuba waghfir 'annis sayyi-aati means: "Turn away from me sins, and forgive my wrongdoings." Anta ghoffaarul khothoyaa wa dzunuubil muubiqooti means: "You are the most forgiving of sins and the destroyer of sins."

\u0627\u064e\u0646\u0652\u062a\u064e \u0633\u064e\u062a\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0631\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0645\u064e\u0633\u064e\u0627\u0648\u0650\u064a - \u0648\u064e\u0645\u064f\u0642\u0650\u064a\u0652\u0644\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0639\u064e\u062b\u064e\u0631\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 Anta sattarul masaawi wa muqiilul 'atssarooti Meaning: "You are the one who conceals faults, and forgives mistakes." \u0639\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0650\u0645\u064f \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0651\u0650\u0631\u0651\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0627\u064e\u062e\u0652\u0641\u0670\u0649 - \u0645\u064f\u0633\u0652\u062a\u064e\u062c\u0650\u064a\u0652\u0628\u064f \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0651\u064e\u0639\u064e\u0648\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 'Aalimus sirri wa akhfaa mustajiibud da'awaati Meaning: "You are the one who knows the hidden and secret, who answers prayers." \u0631\u064e\u0628\u0651\u0650 \u0641\u064e\u0627\u0631\u0652\u062d\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0646\u064e\u0627 \u062c\u064e\u0645\u0650\u064a\u0652\u0639\u064b\u0627 - \u0628\u0650\u062c\u064e\u0645\u0650\u064a\u0652\u0639\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u0651\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0650\u062d\u064e\u0627\u062a\u0650 Robbi farhamnaa jamii'a bijamii'is shoolihaati Meaning: "O Allah, our Lord, have mercy on all of us with all goodness."

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "\u0648\u0635\u0644\u0627\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u062a\u063a\u0634\u0627 \u0639\u062f \u062a\u062d\u0631\u064a\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0637\u0648\u0631\u0623\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627\u062f\u06cc \u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0635\u0627\u062d\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u062c\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u064a\u0631Wa shol\u00e2tull\u00e2hi taghsy\u00e2 'adda tahr\u00eeris-suth\u00fbri Ahmadal h\u00e2d\u00ee Muhammad sh\u00f4hibal wajhil mun\u00eeriArtinya: "Dan sholawat Allah semoga tercurah atas Ahmad sang petunjuk yaitu Nabi Muhammad pemilik wajah yang bersinar."" Translation: "And may Allah's blessings be upon Ahmad, the guide, namely Prophet Muhammad, the owner of the radiant face. Meaning: 'And may Allah's blessings be poured upon Ahmad, the guide, namely Prophet Muhammad, the owner of the radiant face.'"

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See a Little Child Playing Alone near the Kaaba, Soldiers Act Promptly: Not Expelling But Carrying Him So He Can Kiss the Kaaba

See a Little Child Playing Alone near the Kaaba, Soldiers Act Promptly: Not Expelling But Carrying Him So He Can Kiss the Kaaba

The unidentified child even managed to freely kiss the Kaaba, which was covered by the kiswah.

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Prabowo: I'm Worried to Debate Again, Last Time I Got a Score of 11 out of 100

Prabowo: I'm Worried to Debate Again, Last Time I Got a Score of 11 out of 100

Prabowo admits to being worried about receiving a poor score from other presidential candidates like in the previous debate.

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Getting to Know More Closely, Bustingorrytitan Shiva, A New Giant Titanosaurus from Argentina

Getting to Know More Closely, Bustingorrytitan Shiva, A New Giant Titanosaurus from Argentina

Shiva Bustingorrytitan is a giant Titanosaurus from the Lithostrotia group that dominated during the Late Cretaceous period.

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Complete Nurbuat Prayer in Arabic and Its Meaning, Along with Its Legal Rulings According to Scholars That Need to Be Known

Complete Nurbuat Prayer in Arabic and Its Meaning, Along with Its Legal Rulings According to Scholars That Need to Be Known

The Nurbuat prayer is a practice specifically intended to seek protection from Allah.

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Brutal! Groom Exposes Bride's Infidelity on Wedding Day: Play Video of Her Being Intimate with Another Man Again

Brutal! Groom Exposes Bride's Infidelity on Wedding Day: Play Video of Her Being Intimate with Another Man Again

The groom takes advantage of his wedding day to seek revenge for his wife's actions.

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Anies Given Money by Supporters in South Tapanuli, to Buy Vitamins

Anies Given Money by Supporters in South Tapanuli, to Buy Vitamins

The money given to Anies consists of denominations of Rp50 thousand to Rp100 thousand.

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Prayers that Can Change Good Fate and Their Practices Taught by Prophet Muhammad SAW

Prayers that Can Change Good Fate and Their Practices Taught by Prophet Muhammad SAW

Fate that has been written in Lauhul Mahfudz is the decision of Allah SWT that has been determined before the creation of the universe.

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Practice for Selling a House to Quickly Sell, Here's the Prayer and Adab that Must be Observed by Muslims

Practice for Selling a House to Quickly Sell, Here's the Prayer and Adab that Must be Observed by Muslims

Not only focusing on the profits obtained, but also to bring blessings from Allah SWT.

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