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Cari Orangtua Angkat untuk Anak di Luar Nikah yang Akan Lahir, Banyak Peminat Mundur Saat Baca Syaratnya

Search for Adoptive Parents for Children Born Outside of Marriage, Many Interested Parties Withdraw When Reading the Requirements.

Dream - Every human being cannot escape from actions that bring sin and mistakes. One of the major sins that receives severe punishment, yet still committed by humans in this life, is engaging in intimate relationships before marriage.

Looking for Adoptive Parents for Illegitimate Child, Many Interested Parties Withdraw After Reading the Requirements
Looking for Adoptive Parents for Illegitimate Child, Many Interested Parties Withdraw After Reading the Requirements

The forbidden act results in a woman being pregnant or conceiving outside of marriage. Pregnancy outside of marriage is certainly considered shameful in Indonesian culture. On the other hand, religion strongly prohibits abortion without strong reasons as an act of murder.

Looking for Adoptive Parents for Illegitimate Child, Many Interested Parties Withdraw After Reading the Requirements

Through an anonymous tweet on X, formerly known as Twitter, a man realizes the mistake he has made. He is willing to take responsibility upon learning that his unmarried partner is pregnant.

"Wishing for a Child to be Fostered by Adoptive Parents, but with Conditions"

The man decided to hand over his child to adoptive parents. Without much thought when committing the forbidden act, the prospective father only realized that he was not capable of building a family. However, the man has a special request after the child from the illicit relationship is born.

Dia ingin tetap bisa berkomunikasi dengan anaknya saat berada di bawah perawatan orang tua angkat.

"He wants to be able to communicate with his child while under the care of foster parents."

"My girlfriend is currently pregnant and we are not married. The pregnancy has reached seven months. We want to find adoptive parents for this child. But if possible, we want to take care of this child for two weeks before handing it over to the adoptive parents. After that, we hope to be able to maintain a relationship with the child like any other parents."

Tidak Ingin Putus Hubugan dengan Anak

"I don't want to break the connection with my child."

"We will not sever the relationship between a child and their biological parents. Previously, we have offered to three foster parents, but they did not agree to our terms."

"If there are kind-hearted adoptive parents who want to take our child and agree not to sever the relationship with their biological parents, please reply to this message, we will contact you."

The man's words, as if he didn't feel guilty at all.


"Harvesting Sarcastic Comments from Netizens"

Regarding the response in the comment section, many netizens explained why the conditions set by the man are difficult to fulfill by prospective adoptive parents out there. "There are many cases where biological parents are actually only seeking benefits from adoptive parents. If the adoptive parents do not provide what is requested, they threaten to take the child back, and that could be a problem," said a netizen.

"If you already know that you are not capable, it is better to just give up the child. But if you truly want what is best for the child, raise them." In addition, this can affect the child's emotions at an early age; young children need time to understand the concept of adoptive parents and the status of being an illegitimate child," said another netizen advising."

Looking for Adoptive Parents for Illegitimate Child, Many Interested Parties Withdraw After Reading the Requirements
Looking for Adoptive Parents for Illegitimate Child, Many Interested Parties Withdraw After Reading the Requirements

"Let the child have only one caregiver, if there are two parents, it will be difficult to discuss matters of descent and guardian affairs if the child is a girl," added another netizen.

"If you really want to preserve dignity, hand over the child to the adoptive parents, then close the old chapter and start a new one. If you still love the child, be honest and get married because the partner is already heavily pregnant," concluded the netizen.

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