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"Inflation in Medical Field Increases, Prudential Indonesia Launches Health Insurance Product with Fairness Concept"

Dream - Not many Indonesian people realize how important it is to protect their health. This has an impact on the high cost of healthcare or commonly known as medical inflation. MMB Health Trend 2023 recorded that healthcare costs in Indonesia increased by 13.6% after the Covid-19 pandemic in 2023. This figure indicates an increase in healthcare costs in Indonesia compared to Asia by 11%.

Medical Inflation Increases, Prudential Indonesia Launches Health Insurance Products with Fairness Concept

The increase in healthcare costs in Indonesia has impacted the total number of health claims in the first quarter of 2023. It amounted to Rp4.6 trillion compared to last year's total of Rp3.32 trillion.

Inflation in the medical sector is also influenced by the increase in healthcare service fees at the beginning of 2023 according to the content of Minister of Health Regulation Number 3 of 2023 regarding Standard Service Tariffs in the Implementation of Health Insurance Programs. The increase in healthcare costs is also affected by the general inflation in 2023, which is around 5.5%. Therefore, medical costs always experience an increase every year.

One way to avoid the increase in medical inflation is by having health protection or health insurance. Prudential Indonesia stated that there was a significant increase in health claims throughout 2023 amounting to Rp5.4 trillion or 19% compared to the previous year.

Medical Inflation Increases, Prudential Indonesia Launches Health Insurance Products with Fairness Concept

The increase in health claims is caused by several components within it that are taken by policyholders. Among them are inner limit health claims, as-charged health claims, and crisis cover. Health claims as-charged are recorded to have experienced a 38% increase compared to 2022 with several diseases, such as breast cancer, coronary heart disease, digestive tract infections, gastric gastritis, and pneumonia.

Medical Inflation Increases, Prudential Indonesia Launches Health Insurance Products with Fairness Concept

Chief Customer and Marketing Officer of Prudential Indonesia, Karin Zulkarnaen, assesses Prudential's achievement amidst the high medical inflation rate as an opportunity to enhance public awareness of the importance of having health insurance.

"In the midst of the high medical inflation challenge, Prudential Indonesia is grateful for the positive growth achieved in 2023 and this is a good opportunity to increase public awareness of the importance of having health insurance," said Karin, who was met at Parle Dining & Bar on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. The high health insurance claims pose a challenge to adjust premium costs so that the provision of protection services can run optimally. Therefore, Prudential Indonesia and Prudential Syariah apply the principle of fairness in their newest products, namely PRUWell Medical and PRUWell Medical Syariah."

Head of Product Design Prudential Indonesia, Junaedy Aries Wijaya said, by embodying the spirit of '#SehatPangkalBisa', it becomes the realization of Prudential Indonesia's slogan to encourage people to be more concerned in maintaining their health. He believes that health insurance can accommodate the protection needs of all groups. Therefore, PRUWell Medical is designed to have flexibility that can provide added value in maintaining the financial balance of customers.

"For that reason, we believe that health insurance should be able to embrace the protection needs of all groups. Therefore, PRUWell Medical is designed with flexibility that provides added value and maintains the financial balance of customers when facing health risk challenges," said Junaedy."

Medical Inflation Increases, Prudential Indonesia Launches Health Insurance Products with Fairness Concept
Medical Inflation Increases, Prudential Indonesia Launches Health Insurance Products with Fairness Concept

Chief Financial Officer of Prudential Syariah, Paul Setio Kartono, hopes that the presence of new products, especially PRUWell Medical Syariah, can bring new values to policyholders so that they can continue to contribute to mutual assistance in health claims.

According to him, the new values obtained in Sharia health insurance can bring blessings in life. "Thus, the values that can be felt in Sharia health insurance bring blessings in life and benefits for others, and can inspire more people to maintain His trust in maintaining a healthy lifestyle," he concluded. Report: Nisya Aprilya

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