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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Prayer After Hearing the Adhan and Etiquettes That Must be Performed by Muslims".

Prayer After Hearing the Adhan and the Etiquettes that Muslims Must Do

Dream - Knowing the prayer after hearing the call to prayer along with its meaning is very important for Muslims. The call to prayer resounds when entering the time for obligatory prayer. Like responding to someone's call, Muslims are required to respond to the call to prayer.

Every call to prayer has a different prayer response. It is recommended for Muslims to stop all activities when they hear the call to prayer, as taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Not only that, after the call to prayer ends, reciting a prayer after hearing the call to prayer is a highly recommended practice. Here is the complete recitation of the prayer after hearing the call to prayer along with its etiquette according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

"Hadith Prayer After Hearing the Adhan"

Reading prayers after hearing the adhan is practiced based on the recommendation of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is narrated from Imam Bukhari, here is the hadith that discusses the prayer after hearing the adhan: "Whoever, upon hearing the adhan (finished), recites this prayer: 'Allahumma rabba hadzihid da'watit-tammah was sholatil qaimah ati muhammadanil wasilata wal fadhilah wab'asthu maqoman mahmudanil ladzi wa 'attah', then he will receive my intercession on the Day of Judgment." (HR. Bukhari)


"Prayer After Hearing the Adhan"

The following text is in 'Bahasa' and it will be translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Adzan is a call to perform prayer. Reading a prayer after hearing the adzan means practicing the sunnah taught by Prophet Muhammad SAW. So, what is the prayer that Muslims should recite after the adzan? Check out the full prayer below:"

"Arabic and Latin Prayers:"
للهَمَ رَبَهَه هربَهاَ الدَعَوو، والواو الصَلاو، آَت موحَمداناواَو الوفولو والضَرَفو، والصَرَفو، والشَرفو، والدرجوهو العَالواو العَاو، وابعَثهوه مداماماحمووامامواحموواموابواثهوه مدامواموامواوه اونامامواموامواادو

Allahumma Rabba hadzihid da'watit taammah, wash-sholatil qaimah, ati muhammadanil washilata wal fadhilah, wasy-syarofa, wad darajatal 'aliyatar rafi'ah, wab'atshu maqamam mahmudanil ladzi wa'adtah, innaka la tukhliful mi'adz. Translation: O Allah, Lord of this complete invitation, the established prayer, bestow upon Muhammad the intercession and virtue, and the elevated and exalted rank, and raise him to the praised station that You have promised. Indeed, You never fail in Your promise.



"O Allah, the Lord who possesses perfect call and established prayer, bestow abundantly Your grace upon Prophet Muhammad, the highest position and virtue, and grant him the praised place that You have promised."


"The Virtue of Reciting Prayer After Hearing the Adhan"

Besides practicing the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), reading prayers after hearing the call to prayer also holds extraordinary virtues. Here are the virtues of reading prayers after hearing the call to prayer that need to be known: - As a practice of the sunnah that erases sins. - Allah SWT will grant the prayers that are recited between the call to prayer and the iqamah. - Prayers after hearing the call to prayer can become an intercession of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on the Day of Judgment. - Allah SWT has promised paradise in the hereafter for those who read prayers after the call to prayer. - Obtaining rewards equivalent to 10 times of sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

"Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" translates to "The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said:" in English.


“If you hear the call to prayer, then say what the muezzin says and then send blessings upon me, for I will send blessings upon them ten times.”



"Etiquette when Hearing the Call to Prayer"

"After knowing the prayer after hearing the call to prayer, next it is necessary to know the etiquette. Listening to the call to prayer is a sacred moment for Muslims. Here are some etiquette that should be observed when listening to the call to prayer:"


1. Stop Activities When you hear the adhan, it is best to stop any activities that you are currently doing. This reflects respect for the call to worship. 2. Focus and Devotion Try to focus and be devout while listening to the adhan. Do not let your mind be distracted by disturbances or other activities. 3. Responding to the Call of Adhan Muslims are encouraged to respond to the call of adhan by repeating every sentence spoken by the muezzin. This can be done orally.

4. Praying After the Adhan After the adhan is finished, it is recommended to recite a prayer after the adhan. This is considered a good practice and can bring blessings. 5. Joining Congregational Prayer If possible, it is advisable to join the congregational prayer after hearing the adhan, especially if the time for the obligatory prayer has arrived. 6. Facing the Qibla When hearing the adhan, it is recommended to face the qibla if possible. This can enhance concentration and devotion.

7. Observing Prayer Time

7. Observing Prayer Time

After the adhan, pay attention to the prayer time and try to immediately start the obligatory prayer. This shows obedience and discipline towards religious rules.

8. Do Not Disturb OthersDuring the call to prayer, avoid speaking or disturbing others who are listening. Let everyone be able to listen to the call to prayer with devotion. 9. Respect Places of WorshipIf you are in a place of worship, such as a mosque, make sure to maintain cleanliness and orderliness and respect the sacred space. 10. Understand the Meaning of the Call to PrayerIt is even better if you understand the meaning and significance of each sentence in the call to prayer. This can enhance your understanding and obedience in worship.

Prayer After Hearing the Adhan and the Etiquettes that Muslims Must Do

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Those etiquettes reflect the respect and obedience of Muslims to the call for worship. By paying attention to those etiquettes, Muslims can perform their worship with more devotion and blessings."

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