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"Prayer for Eternal Youth and Beauty as Read by Prophet Yusuf As, Complete with Tips Ala Rasulullah"

In addition to treatment, staying youthful can also be accompanied by prayers.

"In addition, Dream's friends can also practice the prayer for eternal youth as read by Prophet Yusuf (as). Now, here is the prayer for eternal youth that you can practice as summarized by Dream from various sources."

Prayer for Eternal Youth and Beauty Read by Prophet Yusuf AS, Complete with Tips Ala Rasulullah
Doa Awet Muda

"Prayer for Eternal Youth"

For Dream friends who want to stay young, here is a prayer reading that is also practiced by Prophet Yusuf (as):

"Allaahummaj'alnii nuuru yusufa 'ala wajhii faman ro-aanii yuhibbunii mahabbatan. Meaning: "O Allah, make the light of Prophet Yusuf shine on my face, and whoever sees me will be amazed and have love and affection towards me." In addition, friends of Dream can also read other prayers for eternal youth through Surah Al-Waqiah verses 35-37 as follows: إِنَّا إِنْشَأْنَاهُنَّ إِنْشَاءً فَجَعَلْنَاهُنَّ أَبْكَارًا عُرُبًا أَتْرُوبًا. Innaa insaanaa hunna insyaa-a, faja'alnaa hunna abkaaro 'uruban atroobaa."

Translation: "Meaning: 'Indeed, We created them (the houris) directly and made them virginal maidens full of love and equal in age.'"

Prayer for Eternal Youth and Beauty Read by Prophet Yusuf AS, Complete with Tips Ala Rasulullah
Tips Tetap Awet Muda Ala Rasulullah SAW

Tips Stay Young According to the Prophet Muhammad SAW

"To maintain health and stay youthful, Prophet Muhammad pbuh provided several examples through daily behavior and his recommendations. Here are some tips for staying youthful according to Prophet Muhammad pbuh:"

1. Maintaining a Healthy Eating Pattern

Eat in Moderation: Rasulullah saw recommended eating before being full and stopping before being full. He said: "There is no vessel filled by humans worse than their stomach. It is enough for a person to have a few bites to straighten his back. If not, then one-third for food, one-third for drink, and one-third for air" (HR. Tirmidzi and Ibnu Majah).

Consuming Dates and Olive Oil: The Prophet Muhammad often consumed dates, especially when breaking the fast. Dates have many health benefits, including being a source of energy and nutrients. In addition, he also used olive oil which can moisturize the skin.

2. Physical Activities

Walking: The Prophet Muhammad often walked, both when preaching and in daily activities. Walking is a light exercise that is very beneficial for heart health and maintaining physical fitness. Riding Horses and Archery: The Prophet Muhammad encouraged his followers to learn horseback riding and archery as a form of physical exercise and self-defense.

Prayer for Eternal Youth and Beauty Read by Prophet Yusuf AS, Complete with Tips Ala Rasulullah

3. Cleanliness and Personal Health

Preserving the HTML tags, the translation of the given text from Bahasa to English is as follows: "Maintaining Dental Hygiene with Siwak: The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of maintaining dental hygiene with siwak. Siwak not only helps to keep the mouth clean but also has other health benefits. Performing Wudhu: Wudhu, besides being a requirement before prayer, also has benefits for cleanliness and skin health."

4. Sufficient Rest

Regular Sleep: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged to sleep early and wake up early. Sufficient and quality sleep is important for cell regeneration and overall body health.

Prayer for Eternal Youth and Beauty Read by Prophet Yusuf AS, Complete with Tips Ala Rasulullah

5. Peace of Mind and Heart

"Surrender and Pray: The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) often prayed and engaged in remembrance of Allah. Having inner peace and spiritual well-being is important for mental and physical health. Avoid Stress: Managing stress well through worship and a spiritual approach can help maintain overall health."

6. Good Social Interaction

Preserving the HTML tags, the translation is as follows: "Maintaining Silaturahmi: Rasulullah saw strongly encourages maintaining silaturahmi (maintaining good relations) and doing good to others. Positive social interactions can provide emotional support and maintain mental health."

By following the example and guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, not only can we maintain physical health, but also mental and spiritual well-being, all of which contribute to eternal youth and a better quality of life.

Prayer for Eternal Youth and Beauty Read by Prophet Yusuf AS, Complete with Tips Ala Rasulullah
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