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Doa untuk Orang yang Sedang dalam Kondisi Kritis Sesuai Ajaran Rasulullah dan Adab saat Menjenguknya

Prayer for Someone in Critical Condition According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and Etiquette When Visiting

Dream - Health and illness are truly under the power of Allah SWT. The task of humans is only to pray and strive. The same goes for when Dream's friend is faced with someone who is sick and in critical condition. Whether it is a family member, relative, or friend. In such a situation, Dream's friend can pray for the person who is in critical condition. That prayer is what, God willing, will give strength and spirit to the patient.

"In addition, Dream's friends also need to pay attention to their manners when visiting the sick. This is important because it is related to the ethics of a Muslim."

Prayer for Those in Critical Condition According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and Etiquette When Visiting Them
Prayer for Those in Critical Condition According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and Etiquette When Visiting Them

Well, here is a prayer for someone who is in critical condition and the etiquette of visiting the sick as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Adab Muslim saat Ada Orang yang Sakit

"Adab Muslim saat Ada Orang yang Sakit" translates to "Muslim Etiquette when Someone is Sick" in English.

Respect for the sick reflects the values of humanity, compassion, and high regard for care in Islamic teachings.

1. Visiting and Praying for Healing

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad taught his followers to visit the sick. Visiting them can provide moral support and encourage the spirit of healing. Praying for the recovery of the sick is a highly recommended action."

2. Expressing Sympathy and Patience

Providing emotional support and showing sympathy to someone who is sick is an appreciated action in Islam. Encouraging them to be patient and assuring them that this trial is part of Allah's destiny.

3. Maintaining Privacy and Self-Esteem

When visiting, pay attention to the privacy and dignity of the sick person. Do not ask personal or disturbing questions. Avoid making inappropriate or demeaning comments.


4. Providing Practical Assistance

Offering practical assistance, such as helping with daily needs or providing food, is a good and desirable action. Assisting families of the sick can also be a manifestation of care.


5. Respecting the Wishes and Conditions of the Sick

It is important to respect the wishes of the sick, especially regarding medical care and other decisions. Understanding their health condition and acting with wisdom.


6. Giving Positive Motivation

"Providing motivation and positive words can help boost the spirit and confidence of sick individuals."


7. Sharing Knowledge About Treatment

Sharing information about alternative or traditional treatments that align with the principles of Islam can be a meaningful form of support.

"Prayer for the Sick According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad"

The prayer taught by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for the sick person according to the hadith narrated by Muslim is:

I ask Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Great Throne, to heal you. Meaning: "I pray to Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Great Throne, may He heal you." Additionally, another prayer that can be recited for a sick child is: "In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing on earth or in the heavens can cause harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing." Meaning: "In the name of Allah, with His name, nothing can harm in the earth or in the sky, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing."

The importance of reciting prayers for the sick according to Islamic teachings is as a form of recognition that only Allah has the power over healing and salvation. Prayers are also a means to seek assistance, mercy, and healing from Allah. Additionally, reciting prayers can provide peace and strength for the sick person and their caretakers.

This is in accordance with the teachings of Islam which emphasize the importance of praying and relying on Allah in facing all trials and tribulations, including illness. Therefore, reciting prayers for the sick is a highly recommended practice in Islam to obtain healing and blessings from Allah SWT.

Cara Mendoakan Orang Sakit dalam Islam Sesuai Sunah

How to Pray for the Sick in Islam According to Sunnah

In Islamic teachings, praying for the sick is one of the highly recommended practices.

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: The way to pray is by placing the hand on the forehead or the affected part of the person who is sick, then reciting the prayer sincerely and sincerely. The Prophet Muhammad once taught his companions to recite the prayer: A'udzu bi'izzatillahi wa qudratihi mimma ajidu wa uhadhiru. It means: "I seek refuge in the power and glory of Allah from the diseases that I feel and that I hear."

Besides that, the prayer that can be recited is: As'alullah al-'azheema rabbal 'arshil 'azheemi an yashfiyaka. It means: "I ask Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Great Throne, to heal you." The correct procedure for praying is to face the qibla, place the hands on the affected area, and pray with hope and sincerity. By praying for the sick according to the sunnah, may Allah SWT grant healing and remove the illness from the sick person.

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