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"Prayer Visiting Parents' Graves, Genuine Expressions of Respect and Love"

Prayer of Visiting Parents' Graves, Genuine Expressions of Respect and Love

Dream - Praying to visit the parents' grave is an important Sunnah practice that Muslims should know. Visiting the graves of parents to pray for their well-being is known as "ziarah kubur". This is something that every child should do. Visiting the graves is one way to continue to show devotion to parents even after they have passed away.

Usually, when visiting graves, it is done by cleaning the tomb that has been overgrown with wild grass. Not only that, sending prayers to deceased parents is also very meaningful to them. Because the righteous child who prays for them is a continuous act of worship that will never be cut off after death. "When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him." (Narrated by Muslim No. 1631)

Prayer of Visiting Parents' Graves, Genuine Expressions of Respect and Love

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Prayers will reach those who have passed away, and with Allah's permission, it can alleviate the torment of their graves. Therefore, every Muslim needs to know the prayer recitation when visiting the graves of their parents. What is the prayer recitation? Find out more below!"


"Say Greetings"

"When you are about to enter a grave, the etiquette that needs to be observed in Islam is to say greetings first. Imam Nawawi in the book Al Adzkar mentioned that when visiting the grave of one's parents, it is better to start by saying greetings to the deceased. This is as taught by the Prophet Muhammad."

Rasulullah exemplified that when visiting graves, it is recommended to greet with the following words:


1. Prayer Visiting Parents' Grave

When visiting the graves of parents, recite prayers seeking forgiveness. Praying for deceased parents will become an unbroken practice between children and their parents. Here is a prayer to recite when visiting the graves of parents:

"Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa 'afihi wa'fu anhu wakrim nuzulahu, wa wassi' madkhalahu, waghsilhu bilmai was salji, wal baradi, wa naqqihi minal khathaya, kama yunaqqas saubul abyadu minad danas. Wa abdilhu daran khairan min darihi wa ahlan khairan min ahlihi, wa zaujan khairan min zaujihi, wa adkhilhul jannata wa a'idzhu min adzabil qabri, wa adzabin nari."



Translate the following 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Meaning: "O Allah! Forgive the deceased, grant him Your mercy, peace, and forgive his sins, and place him in a noble place (Paradise), widen his grave, wash him with water, snow, and ice water. Cleanse him from all sins, as You cleanse a white garment from dirt. Replace his home with a better home (in this world), a family (or spouse in Paradise) better than his family (in this world), a spouse (or husband) better than his wife (or husband), and admit him to Paradise, protect him from the torment of the grave and Hell."

2. Visiting the Graves of Parents

Apart from the above prayer, there is still a prayer that can be read when visiting the graves of parents. One of the prayers for visiting the graves of parents in addition to the above prayer is as follows: "O Allah, forgive the Muslim men and women, the believing men and women, the living among them and the dead, from the east to the west, with their land and sea, specifically for our fathers, mothers, grandparents, grandmothers, teachers, and all of us and for the righteous among us and for the people of rights upon us."


"Allahummaghfir lil muslimina wal muslimat, wal mukminina wal mukminat, al-ahyai minhum wal amwat, min masyariqil ardhi ila magharibih, barriha wa bahriha, khushushan ila abaina, wa ummatina, wa ajdadinna, wa jaddarina, wa asatidzatina, wa mu'allimina, wa li man ahsana ilaina, wa li ashhabil huquqi 'alayna. Meaning: "O Allah, forgive the male and female believers, the male and female Muslims, those who are alive and those who have passed away, those who are spread from the east to the west, on land and at sea, especially our fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and mentors, those who have done good to us, and those who still have rights over us."

Praying for our parents when visiting their graves is a genuine expression of respect and love for those who have left us. As children, it is our duty to regularly visit our parents' graves and pray for them, as a form of practicing the teachings of Islam that encourage us to remain devoted to our parents even after they have passed away.

Prayer of Visiting Parents' Graves, Genuine Expressions of Respect and Love
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