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Prayer to Avoid Fraud and Tips You Can Apply

Prayer to Avoid Fraud and Tips You Can Apply

Dream - Fraud is one of the crimes that people often experience. The modus operandi of fraud carried out by irresponsible individuals is very diverse. Some are done directly by meeting, through telephone or social media, and many more. In essence, the goal of this fraud is to gain profit from the victim. Therefore, the losses experienced by the victims are not only in the form of money, but also mental and physical.

Therefore, Dream's friend should always be cautious with the people around. Especially those who are newly acquainted.

Prayer to Avoid Scams and Tips You Can Apply

Apart from that, you should also not forget to always pray to Allah SWT by reading a prayer to avoid deception. That prayer is what, God willing, will protect you from evil people. Here is a reading of a prayer to avoid deception as summarized by Dream through various sources.

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Prayer to Avoid Fraud

This is a prayer reading to avoid fraud that friends of Dream can practice in their daily lives:

There is no god but Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs the dominion and to Him belongs all praise. He does not die, and all goodness is in His hands, and He is Almighty over everything.

In addition, Dream friends can also recite a prayer to avoid this deception while seeking sustenance: "Allahumma innii as-aluka 'ilman naafi'a, wa rizqon thoyyibaa, wa 'amalan mutaqobbalaa." Meaning: "O Allah, I truly ask You for beneficial knowledge, lawful sustenance, and accepted deeds (in Your sight and receiving good rewards)." (HR. Ibn Majah, no. 925 and Ahmad 6: 305, 322. Al-Hafizh Abu Thahir stated that this hadith is authentic)

Tips to Avoid Fraud

The following are some tips that friends of Dream can do to avoid fraudulent actions:

Tips to Avoid Fraud

Be cautious of information that seems too good to be true: If something sounds too good to be true, it is likely a scam. Do not easily share personal information: Never provide personal information, such as ID numbers, credit card numbers, or passwords, to unknown or untrusted parties. Verify identities: If a Dream friend receives a phone call or email from someone claiming to be from a specific company or institution, make sure to verify their identity through official channels.

Check the Source of Information: Always verify the authenticity of the information source, especially if you receive an email or message requesting you to take certain actions. Use Strong Passwords: Use strong and unique password combinations for each Dream friend account, and activate two-factor authentication if available. Beware of Pressure Tactics: Scammers often use pressure or urgency to make you act quickly without thinking. Take your time to calmly evaluate the situation.

Prayer to Avoid Scams and Tips You Can Apply

Check Reviews and Testimonials: If Dream's friend plans to buy something from an unknown online seller, check the reviews and testimonials from other buyers to ensure their reliability. Update Software Regularly: Make sure your software and antivirus are always up to date to protect against new threats. Avoid Clicking Suspicious Links: Do not randomly click on links sent through email or instant messages that appear suspicious.

Use a Secure Website: Make sure Dream friends only enter personal information or make transactions on websites that use the secure HTTPS protocol. Report Scams: If you become a victim or suspect fraud, report it immediately to the relevant authorities or platform. By implementing these steps, Dream friends can better protect themselves from various types of scams.

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