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"Prediction of the Form of Humans in 1,000 Years to Come"

The following is the translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Future humans tend to have red eyes and darker skin due to DNA mutations."

Prediction of Human Form 1,000 Years in the Future

Humans will be very different in 1,000 years. Genetic mutations, climate change, and drastic artificial intelligence will make humans unlike they are now. AsapScience's video in Canada reveals predictions of what humans will look like in 1,000 years.

Red Eyes and Dark Skin

They reveal how future humans tend to have red eyes due to DNA mutations and have darker skin due to the response to global warming, more intelligent thinking power, strong physique, and embedded nanobots in their bodies.

Mata Merah dan Kulit Gelap

"There are no physiological limitations. Humans become a blend of biology and technology. On the other hand, babies can be designed in such a way that they are smarter and have attractive physical features."

Write a narrative in the video, sourced from Science Alert.


Because of the lack of human diversity, as a result, diseases in the future also decrease. However, the effect of global warming makes humans become thinner and taller, this body shape is predicted to be able to expel heat.

Prediction of Human Form 1,000 Years in the Future
Paling banyak berubah adalah wajah

The most changed is the face.

"The most dramatic change is in the shape of the face. Because in the future, physical conditions can be determined by human preferences, such as for example, the forehead will continue to widen as the brain grows larger."

"The human face will be very biased towards the features they find. There will be a trend of straight nose, intense eyes, and perfect or symmetrical placement of facial features."

he translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: kata ahli genomik komputasi dari Washington University di St Louis, Dr. Alan Kwan Translation: words computational genomics expert from Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Alan Kwa

Eyes Become Bigger

he translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows:

Mata juga akan berubah menjadi lebih besar. Dan yang mengejutkan akan ada perkembangan visi dengan fitur teknologi seperti bagaimana mengatur cahaya yang masuk ke mata. Bahkan saat berkedip akan melindungi mata kita dari sinar kosmik.

Kendati demikian, Kwan mengajak kita untuk melihat manusia pada 2050 mendatang. Dia beranggapan, manusia pada tahun tersebut sudah jauh lebih modern karena perkembangan teknologi yang radikal, dan seleksi alami.


The eyes will also change to become bigger. And surprisingly, there will be vision development with technological features such as how to control the light entering the eyes. Even when blinking, it will protect our eyes from cosmic rays.

Nevertheless, Kwan invites us to look at humans in the future of 2050. He assumes that humans in that year will be much more modern due to radical technological advancements and natural selection.

Manusia Akan Hidup Lebih Lama

"Humans Will Live Longer".

Researchers at the Global Brain Institute, Cadell Last, said that humanity is currently experiencing an evolutionary transition. In less than four decades, Last said, we will live longer, have children at an older age, and rely on artificial intelligence.

This study predicts that by 2050, men aged 35 will have red eyes, small penises, larger brains, and extraordinary language abilities. These changes are highly significant and similar to Darwin's theory. (x)

Prediction of Human Form 1,000 Years in the Future

"Prediction of Human Form in 1,000 Years to Come"

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