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Kisah Psikiater PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Bunuh Diri karena Tak Kuat Tangani Sisi Gelap Pasiennya

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Story of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a Psychiatrist, Commits Suicide Unable to Handle the Dark Side of His Patients"

Kisah Psikiater PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Bunuh Diri karena Tak Kuat Tangani Sisi Gelap Pasiennya

Dream - Israeli Prime Minister (PM), Benjamin Netanyahu, is reaping curses after ordering his troops to attack Gaza Strip, Palestine. More than 10,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed in Israel's brutal aggression since October 7th. Netanyahu is indeed known as a cruel and merciless figure. Even his personal psychiatrist confirms this.

In 2010, psychiatrist Netanyahu, Dr. Moshe Yatom, was found dead by suicide at his residence in Tel Aviv. There is strong suspicion that Yatom took his own life because he could not bear the dark side of Netanyahu. Yatom himself was a renowned psychiatrist in Israel and known for healing severe mental illnesses.

Kisah Psikiater PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Bunuh Diri karena Tak Kuat Tangani Sisi Gelap Pasiennya
Kisah Psikiater PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Bunuh Diri karena Tak Kuat Tangani Sisi Gelap Pasiennya

In that case, Yatom left a letter stating that Netanyahu was the reason he committed suicide.

Kisah Psikiater PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Bunuh Diri karena Tak Kuat Tangani Sisi Gelap Pasiennya

Translated from Bahasa to English while preserving HTML tags: "According to Global Village Space, Yatom committed suicide by shooting himself. This is proven by the gunshot wound on his body."

"9 Years Taking Care of Netanyahu"

It is known, he has been handling Netanyahu for 9 years and trying to read Netanyahu's mysterious mind but defeated by a lie. Yatom's anxiety while taking care of Netanyahu, he poured it into a diary that depicts how frustrated he is.

Kisah Psikiater PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Bunuh Diri karena Tak Kuat Tangani Sisi Gelap Pasiennya
Kisah Psikiater PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Bunuh Diri karena Tak Kuat Tangani Sisi Gelap Pasiennya

Yatom is increasingly stressed because there is no progress in making Netanyahu acknowledge the reality. He finally experienced some surprises when trying to understand Netanyahu's thoughts, which in one quote from his diary he referred to as "a black hole of self-contradiction."

Statement by Netanyahu during Consultation Session

Started with the shocking statement of Netanyahu that the 9/11 attacks in Washington and New York were "good," which made Yatom disbelieve. In the following session, Netanyahu equated Iran with Nazi Germany and even referred to Iran's nuclear energy program as "flying gas chambers," while stating that all Jewish people will forever live in Auschwitz.

Kisah Psikiater PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Bunuh Diri karena Tak Kuat Tangani Sisi Gelap Pasiennya

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Yatom's efforts in caring for his patient did not yield results until he finally chose to commit suicide in a tragic manner. Report: Halwa Nadiyah"

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