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Saking Sepi Pembeli, Tiga Penjual Makanan ini Tukeran Dagangan, Netizen: Dia yang Ketawa, Gue yang Nangis<br>

"Because of the lack of buyers, these three food vendors exchange their goods, Netizens: They laugh, I cry"

Dream - A siomay seller shares a funny yet sad story while selling. The siomay seller seems to entertain himself with other merchant friends. The siomay merchants are gathered together with sekoteng and bakpao merchants in front of a building under construction. It's already dark, and the street in front of their selling place looks very deserted.

Saking Sepi Pembeli, Tiga Penjual Makanan ini Tukeran Dagangan, Netizen: Dia yang Ketawa, Gue yang Nangis

Not only people who buy their merchandise, but even vehicles rarely pass through that street. That moment was uploaded on the TikTok account @nyenpenjualsiomay.

"Exchange of Goods due to Lack of Buyers"

Because there were no buyers coming, finally the three merchants decided to exchange their respective trades, which is also known as barter.


"Tukang sekuteng makan bakpao, tulang bakpao makan siomay, tukang siomay makan bakpao, apa sekoteng nih," " translates to: "The sekuteng seller eats bakpao, the bakpao bone eats siomay, the siomay seller eats bakpao, what about sekoteng?"
say the siomay seller while recording his two friends.


Saking Sepi Pembeli, Tiga Penjual Makanan ini Tukeran Dagangan, Netizen: Dia yang Ketawa, Gue yang Nangis

Although their merchandise is lacking buyers, they still laugh and entertain themselves by exchanging goods. They seem to enjoy each other's merchandise.

"\u201cI'm confused, I'm a merchant, who buys loneliness, a bakpao seller eating sekuteng. It's already empty, no one's here, just leave it alone,\u201d"
"ujar pria penjual siomay" translates to "said the man selling siomay."


"Viral on Social Media"

The moment when the merchant still smiled even when there were few buyers went viral on social media and has been watched more than 1.4 million times. Many netizens have given encouragement to the siomay merchant and prayed for his business to thrive.


"Very funny when he said where did they know about umrah, hope the sales of his siomay and bakpao are successful," wrote the account @mayasariyah. "Who bought the sekuteng?" wrote the account @Er. "It was him, I laughed while I cried," wrote the account @rianasaa. "Keep up the spirit, bro. I also feel the same when I'm selling. By the way, what camera do you use? The quality is great," wrote the account @BillDev_doremy. "You're amazing, bro. Even though everything hasn't sold yet, you can still laugh happily. Keep up the spirit. Thank you for reminding us to always be grateful," wrote the account @chickenspicy.


barter bapaw vs siomay, sekuteng vs bapaw, siomay vs sekuteng😁

♬ suara asli - Nye n channel - Nye n penjual siomay
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