Dream - Davin Ahmad Sofyan, a resident of Gendingan Village, Widodaren District, Ngawi Regency, East Java, never expected his wife, Nira Pranita, to pass away after undergoing wisdom tooth extraction surgery. The news of Nira's death went viral on social media after Davin shared it through his personal TikTok account @davin_a.s07. In the video, Davin showed his resignation as he felt he had failed to save his wife, who had an infection in her mouth.
"Until finally, his wife took her last breath while undergoing treatment at dr Oen Solo Hospital on April 27, 2024. According to Davin, his wife underwent intensive treatment after having her wisdom tooth extracted at a dental clinic in Walikun, Ngawi, on December 28, 2023."
Based on the X-ray results, the doctor at the clinic decided to extract Nira's wisdom tooth because it was tilted to the left. The doctor's decision was followed by the victim with the consent of her husband. "We follow his (doctor's) recommendation," said Davin, as quoted from solopos, Friday, May 10, 2024. After the wisdom tooth was extracted, Nira's condition did not improve. Nira even experienced swelling at the back of her tooth and was referred to RS Panti Waluyo Solo on December 30, 2024.
"Kami lantas konsultasi ke Rumah Sakit Panti Waluyo Solo. Kami periksa selain bengkak, indikasi terjadi radang tenggorokan. Setelah itu rawat jalan, kami tinggal sementara di Solo pada 31 Desember,"
"We then consulted at Panti Waluyo Solo Hospital. We examined for swelling and indications of throat inflammation. After that, we received outpatient treatment and stayed temporarily in Solo on December 31st."
"ungkapnya" translates to "he/she expressed."
However, on January 1, 2024, Nira was referred to a different hospital, namely RS JIH Solo. The diagnosis results at RS JIH Solo were almost the same as RS Panti Waluyo Solo. The diagnosis from RS JIH Solo at that time showed positive progress until the victim was allowed to return to Ngawi on January 1. "The results are the same, indicating a sore throat. Given vitamins to alleviate and outpatient treatment. So the focus is on taking medication from RS JIH Solo," said Davin.
"Pulmonary Infection"
However, on January 3rd, Nira's condition worsened. She was examined by a doctor again and diagnosed with a throat infection in the respiratory tract, which resulted in the appearance of pus in the lungs.
"Weight decreased to 27 kilograms. His condition dropped, and then he died while receiving assistance on April 27, 2024," he said. In response to the incident, Davin will sue the doctor who recommended the removal of his wife's wisdom teeth. Davin also admitted to having spent up to Rp500 million on medical expenses."
"The dentist who recommended tooth extraction did not respond. There was no intention to visit and inquire about my wife's condition," he said. The Ngawi District Health Office (Dinkes) revealed that they have requested a statement from SW, the dentist who extracted the victim's wisdom tooth. However, until now, Dinkes Ngawi has not received a definitive statement about the cause of the victim's death."
"Kami sudah melakukan klarifikasi ke yang bersangkutan (drg SW). Nanti hasilnya akan kami sampaikan setelah selesai. Kami juga akan memanggil pihak-pihak terkait mengenai permasalahan ini dan melakukan investigasi," ujar Kepala Dinkes Ngawi, Yudono." Translation: "We have clarified the matter with the concerned party (drg SW). The results will be communicated to you later. We will also call the relevant parties regarding this issue and conduct an investigation," said the Head of Health Office Ngawi, Yudono."
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