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Pesan Rasulullah tentang Datangnya Pemimpin Sesat, Jadi Tanda Akhir Zaman yang Harus Diwaspadai

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Message of the Prophet Muhammad about the Coming of the Misguided Leader, Becoming a Sign of the End Times that Must be Watched Out for"

The Message of the Prophet Muhammad about the Coming of the Misguided Leader, a Sign of the End Times that Must be Watched Out For

"Dream - In the words of the Prophet Muhammad, he said that one of the signs of the Day of Judgment is the appointment of a foolish person as a leader. Wherein, the leader speaks without any basis of knowledge, thus leading astray."

The Message of the Prophet Muhammad about the Coming of the Misguided Leader, a Sign of the End Times that Must be Watched Out For

The presence of these leaders is a fear in itself for the Prophet Muhammad, apart from the Dajjal. In addition, on the Day of Judgment, misleading figures or leaders will also emerge. These figures are referred to in the hadith as 'Aimmatan Mudhillin', which means bad leaders, corrupt government officials, and corrupt religious leaders. Friends at Dream can imagine the impact if someone is made a leader, but instead misleads. Meanwhile, they have to take care of a community that is not small in number.

"To find out the complete explanation, here is how Dream summarized it through various sources."

The Message of the Prophet Muhammad about the Coming of the Misguided Leader, a Sign of the End Times that Must be Watched Out For

"Fear of Prophet Muhammad towards Misguided Leaders"

The emergence of misleading leaders turned out to be a fear for Prophet Muhammad, apart from Dajjal. In this matter, he was very concerned about his people.

"Previously, I had walked with the Prophet Muhammad, and he said, 'Indeed, it is not Dajjal that I fear for my ummah.' He repeated this three times, so I asked, 'O Prophet of Allah, besides Dajjal, what do you fear the most for your ummah?' He replied, 'The misleading leaders.' " (HR. Ahmad) Quoted from, among the scholars, there are some who mislead the ummah. They use fatwas that lead the ummah astray. They also manipulate the evidence to suit their desires."

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah also reminded his people: "Indeed, what I fear for my people is nothing but misleading leaders." (HR. Ad-Darimi in his authentic hadith from the narration of Tsauban, Imam Abu Dawud al-Thayalisi from the narration of Abu Darda)"

The Message of the Prophet Muhammad about the Coming of the Misguided Leader, a Sign of the End Times that Must be Watched Out For

"The Prophet's Words and Their Benefits"

In a hadith it is explained that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) conveyed about the coming of years filled with deception. This should be guarded against by everyone.

The following is his saying, peace be upon him: "There will come to people years full of deceit. During that time, the liar will be considered truthful while the honest person will be accused of lying, the traitor will be trusted while the trustworthy person will be seen as a traitor. At that time, Ruwaibidhah will speak, 'Someone asked', 'What does Ruwaibidhah mean?' He answered, 'A foolish person who interferes in the affairs of society.'" (HR. Ibn Majah)

Through the above hadith, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Misry, an Egyptian scholar, said that there are two benefits from the hadith: The danger of speaking without a knowledge base. This is in accordance with the saying of Allah SWT, "And do not follow that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart - about all those [one] will be questioned." (Quran, Al-Isra: 36) The way out when facing such a situation is to return to knowledge and righteous scholars. Not to the wicked or bad scholars.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The Emergence of Ruwaibidhah that Causes Division"

The appearance of Ruwaibidhah is one of the signs of the apocalypse. They come by deceiving Allah SWT and His Messenger, and causing division among the people.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows:

Speaking of those who are filled with lies, of course, it has a very negative impact. What they say does not have a solid foundation and does not involve religious knowledge. What if people like that are given the opportunity to become leaders? Where there are many communities that need to be taken care of. Meanwhile, the community certainly hopes to have leaders who are trustworthy, fair, supportive of the community, and responsible for their promises.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Verily, the person most beloved to Allah on the Day of Judgment and closest to Him in status is a just leader. Meanwhile, the person most hated by Allah and farthest from His status is an unjust leader." (Narrated by Tirmidhi)"

The Message of the Prophet Muhammad about the Coming of the Misguided Leader, a Sign of the End Times that Must be Watched Out For
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