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The Phenomenal Life Story of Prophet Moses in the Quran, His Miracles Leave You Astonished!

The Phenomenal Life Story of Prophet Moses in the Quran, His Miracles Leave You Astonished!

The Phenomenal Life Story of Prophet Moses in the Quran, His Miracles are Astonishing!

Dream - Prophet Musa is one of the 25 Prophets that Muslims must believe in. Born during the reign of the arrogant Pharaoh, Prophet Musa is considered a phenomenal prophet. His story in the Quran astonishes many people.

"The Birth of Prophet Moses"

Nabi Musa was born in Heliopolis, Egypt, in the early 13th century BC. He passed away on Mount Nibu and was buried in Red Dune (Al-Katsib Al hmar). Nabi Musa was born to a father named Imran and a mother named Yukabad. If traced upwards, the lineage of Imran reaches Prophet Nuh.

"Fear of Pharaoh"

Ibnu Katsir tells, at that time Pharaoh had a strange dream as if there was a fire burning houses in Egypt and the entire Coptic community. However, the fire did not burn the Children of Israel. Pharaoh summoned sorcerers to interpret his strange dream. The sorcerer who interpreted Pharaoh's dream said that there would be a baby boy from the Children of Israel who would destroy Pharaoh's kingdom. He was scared and ordered his guards to kill all baby boys born in Egypt.

"Dihanyutkan di Sungai Nil" translates to "Swept away in the Nile River" in English.

Hearing the cruel command of Pharaoh, the mother of Prophet Moses became worried and afraid. Then Allah instructed Yukabad to float baby Moses in the Nile River. So, she placed baby Moses in a basket and floated him in the Nile River.

"Found: Pharaoh's Wife"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Baby Musa was found by the wife of Pharaoh and she brought him home to the palace. Upon learning that there was a baby boy in his palace, Pharaoh ordered for him to be killed. However, due to the persuasion of his wife, Asiyah binti Mazahim, eventually baby Musa was not killed and was raised in the palace as if he were a royal child. The name Musa was given by Pharaoh's son named Bathia. He named the baby 'Moses', which means 'drawn out of water'."


"Story of Prophet Moses that Makes You Astonished"

The story of Prophet Moses in the Quran has successfully amazed many people. Especially the story of Prophet Moses with his foster father, Pharaoh, has become extremely phenomenal as an extreme example in the history of faith.

"Rasul Ulul Azmi" translates to "The Messengers of Strong Will" in English.

Nabi Musa is one of the Ulul Azmi prophets, that is, a prophet who was given extraordinary determination and steadfastness by Allah SWT. Nabi Musa was very patient in guiding his people, the Bani Israil. Nabi Musa also had the courage to face Pharaoh, who was known to be cruel and fierce. This made Nabi Musa have a special position compared to other prophets.

"The Phenomenal Prophet in the Quran"

The story of Prophet Moses in the Quran is very phenomenal. His name is mentioned 136 times in the Quran and his story is spread across several chapters of the Quran. This proves that Allah immortalizes the story of Prophet Moses as an example for the Muslim community.

Penyelamat Bani Israil dari Intimidasi Firaun

"Savior of the Children of Israel from Pharaoh's Intimidation"

The story of Prophet Moses is also known because he became the savior of the Children of Israel from the intimidation and persecution of Pharaoh in Egypt. Even Allah also sent Prophet Aaron for the mission of saving the Children of Israel.

"Membelah Laut Merah" translates to "Splitting the Red Sea" in English.

The story becomes more phenomenal because of the miracle of Prophet Moses who was able to split the Red Sea with his staff. At that time, Prophet Moses and his followers (the Children of Israel) were being chased by Pharaoh's army. When they arrived at the Red Sea, they felt trapped until Allah granted him the miracle to split the Red Sea as an escape route. This event made the Children of Israel feel like the chosen people of Allah. Prophet Moses is also referred to as a revered Prophet in the Jewish religion.

"Story of the Encounter between Prophet Moses and Prophet Khidr"

The phenomenal story of Prophet Moses in the Quran is when he met with Prophet Khidr. The knowledge of these two prophets of Allah is considered to represent two poles. Prophet Moses is considered to represent the pole of outward knowledge, while Prophet Khidr is considered to represent the pole of inward knowledge. This is why until now we often hear the mention of outward knowledge and inward knowledge. This is attributed to Prophet Moses and Prophet Khidr.

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